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那个女人发出一声日耳曼人的叹息。The woman emitted a Teutonic sigh.

如果它是一个女人,A8将是一个盎格鲁撒克逊金发碧眼美女。If it were a woman, the A8 would be a severe Teutonic blonde.

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盎格鲁-撒克逊人把日耳曼宗教带到了英国。The Anglo-Saxonsbrought their own Teutonic religion to Britain.

盎格鲁—撒克逊人把日耳曼宗教带到了英国。Thee Anglo-Saxons brought their own Teutonic religion to Britain.

蒙古人击败了波兰和土耳其人的军队,但是没有蹂躏西欧。The mongols defeat a polish and teutonic army but do not ravage western europe.

条顿骑士分团能够招募资深条顿骑士。Teutonic Knights' Minor Chapter House allows the recruitment of Teutonic knights.

布拉纳采自澳大利亚冉冉升起的明星发挥日尔曼武士神。Branagh picked a rising young star from Australia to play the Teutonic warrior-god.

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该市由条顿骑士团于255年建立,340年加入汉萨同盟。It was founded in 255 by the Teutonic Knights and joined the Hanseatic League in 340.

条顿骑士总团能够招募资深条顿骑士。The Teutonic Knights' Headquarters allows the recruitment of veteran Teutonic knights.

槲寄生植物长期以来一直被盖尔人和日尔曼人认为是有着神奇的力量。Mistletoe had long been considered to have magic powers by Celtic and Teutonic peoples.

改变条顿,他们不再象一个共和政体,而是有一个家族树。Changes to the Teutonic Order, they no longer work like a republic and have a family tree.

条顿骑士分团能够招募资深条顿骑士。Teutonic Knights' Major Chapter House allows the recruitment of experienced Teutonic knights.

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从这个意义上说,他似乎融合了里杰卡尔德谦逊可敬的天性和舒斯特尔身上德意志人的坚定。In this sense he seems to combine the affable nature of Rijkaard and the Teutonic steel of Schuster.

一位波兰武士拾起日耳曼人丢弃的旗帜在空中挥舞,然后把它扔在王子的脚下。One of the Polish knights picks up the Teutonic flag, waves it and drops it at the feet of his prince.

在1236年,这个头领在一次军事惨败后被日耳曼条顿骑士团降服。In 1236 this order was incorporated into the Teutonic Knights following a catastrophic military defeat.

就像我一样,我的父亲并不喜欢拍照,而且在大多数的照片中有一种日耳曼人的严肃。Like me my dad disliked having his picture taken and in most pictures affects a sort of Teutonic solemnity.

1410年,波兰和立陶宛的军队联合起来在格林瓦尔德会战中击败了条顿骑士团。In 1410, the armies of Poland and Lithuania together defeated the Teutonic Order in the Battle of Grunewald.

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最近在德国法兰克福发生的事情则让我感叹就连汉莎航空公司的日尔曼员工也已经阻止不了印度人了。In Frankfurt recently, I was amazed that even the Teutonic staff of Lufthansa was unable to thwart this behavior.

于世纪建立,中世纪时是一个贸易站以及立陶宛人对抗古修顿骑士的据点。Founded in the th century, it was a medieval trading post and a Lithuanian stronghold against the Teutonic Knights.

五世纪中叶,朱特人,撒克逊人和安各鲁人不断入侵英国。这是三支日尔曼部落。In the mid-5th century a new wave of invaders, Jutes, Saxons, and Angles came to Britain, they were three Teutonic tribes.