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来自曼格雷哇岛的波利尼西亚乐队。Polynesian band from Mangareva.

一种由妇女进行的波利尼西亚人的求雨舞蹈。A polynesian rain dance performed by a woman.

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我们期待着欢迎你来到波利尼西亚温泉。We look forward to welcoming you to Polynesian Spa.

做一桌波里尼西亚宴席或古罗马盛宴。Cook a Polynesian feast or an ancient Roman banquet.

波利尼西亚人相互见面时总是相互问候“阿洛哈”。The Polynesian people greet each other Aloha when they meet.

效忠首领是波利尼西亚人最基本的文化。Allegiance to chiefs was a fundamental of Polynesian culture.

我们被波利尼西亚舞蹈演员精彩的表演所吸引。We were attracted by the amazing performance of the Polynesian dancers.

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我想这是波斯语「永生」的意思,在玻里尼亚语里意为「海的神圣力量」。I think this means "divine power of the ocean" in a Polynesian language.

这种实用的小舟直到今天还在使用。The Polynesian canoe is so effective that it is still in use to this day.

约五世纪时,玻利尼西亚人从南太平洋移居到此。About five centuries, the Polynesian from the south Pacific moved to this.

波利尼西亚人起初能到达拉帕努伊岛真是太神奇了。It's miraculous that Polynesian peoples ever reached Rapa Nui in the first place.

地理位置遥远且仅有1400人的波利尼西亚国家纽埃正在制造一组40枚的新硬币。Niue, a remote Polynesian state of only 1, 400 people, is producing a set of 40 coins.

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在波里尼西亚岛屿上,有些贝壳特别受珍视,甚至用来当作货币。In the Polynesian islands some shells were so highly prized, they were used as currency.

他们是乘坐比小船还小的独木舟从塔希缇岛来的玻里尼西亚人。They were Polynesian people who came from Tahiti in canoes not much bigger than small boats.

但是男性Y染色体的层级和波利尼西亚的语言存在一一对应。But levels of the male Y chromosome strongly correlate with the presence of Polynesian languages.

纽埃属于波利尼西亚群岛,与新西兰保持自由联系。Niue belonging to the Polynesian Islands, New Zealand and maintain the Compact of Free Association.

强力的风暴正在南太平洋向东南方向运动,并穿越法属波利尼西亚群岛。The powerful storm was moving southeast across the South Pacific over the French Polynesian Islands.

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玻利尼西亚神话里则有一个名叫“维提”的半人半海豚形怪物。Polynesian mythology includes a creator named Vatea who was depicted as half-human and half-porpoise.

波利尼西亚人为舞而燃的火把,在塔希提海滨胜地的舞台上烧灼并且挥舞着。Fueled by a Polynesian passion for dance, torch-twirling Tahitians stage a sizzling show at a beachfront resort.

而在某些波希米亚文明中它又成为一颗由于神震怒而砸成六片的星。In some Polynesian cultures they were once one star that was smashed by a god in anger and broken into six pices.