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我讨厌现在的自我,十分的讨厌!My repugnant present, ten points repugnancy!

在球场上,姚明十分好胜,但从不令人反感。On court, Yao was pugnacious but never repugnant.

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我不能干这种事儿。这和我的性格为人是不一致的。I cannot do it in that way. It is repugnant to me.

我觉得男妓以性换钱的想法在道德上是矛盾的。I find the idea of sex for money morally repugnant.

这段圣训表明说谎与伊斯兰如何的格格不入。This hadith shows how repugnant lying is viewed in Islam.

在法国,令人厌恶的演讲不仅令人厌恶,而且是非法的。In France, repugnant speech isn’t just repugnant but illegal.

是我太愚蠢了么?情绪沮丧是一件很反感的事情呢。Was I too stupid?Frustrates the feeling is a repugnant thing.

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一想到要给儿子买男人的衣服他就感到厌恶。The notion of dressing his son in men's clothes was repugnant to him.

忽视宗教仪式是违反她童年时期的教养的。This neglect of religious observances was repugnant to her early traditions.

他到底发现了什么是那么荒谬,那么不相容,那么愚蠢呢?What was it that he claimed to find so absurd, ? repugnant and ignorant in Aristotle?

最让人厌恶的事情就是拜倒在另一个人类的脚下并崇拜他或者她。The most repugnant thing is to prostrate yourself to another human being and adore him or her.

这其实很容易理解,这也许就是我为什么让你讨厌的原因所在吧。This very is actually easy to understand that, perhaps why this is I lets your repugnant reason in.

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我个人的第一反应是,李维特的观点是不负责任的悲观主义,我对此深恶痛绝。My immediate personal response is that Levitt's view is irresponsible defeatism, which I find repugnant.

我能理解人,懂得宽容,我是诚实的,我不说谎对任何人,并且非常讨厌人们说谎。I can understand the human, understands tolerantly, I am honest, I do not lie to anybody, and the very repugnant people lie.

每一次的欺骗都是令我深恶痛绝的,我也无法改变知道被骗后的失落和失望。Each time the deception is repugnant to me, I also can not be changed after the loss that they had been deceived and disappointed.

腐烂的液体在街道上渗流,传播着死亡和疾病。空气中充满了腐鱼般的令人讨厌的味道。Putrid liquids oozed down the streets, spreading death and disease, and the air was filled with the repugnant smell of rotting fish.

法国北部500多穆斯林老兵公墓遭到破坏,萨科奇谴责这是令人厌恶的种族主义行为。Vandals desecrated some 500 graves of Muslim war veterans in northern France. Mr Sarkozy called it "the expression of a repugnant racism".

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就是,可别瞧着孩子们日子过得稍得意些就看不顺眼成栋这才刚起步,哪那么容易的?Be, don't lo wear children's daytime guide slightly a mini extra satisfiedly repugnant to look by become this just fair started, which so easy?

我认为,挽救生命是自然的,而相反地听而任之、不去尽可能快做挽救生命的研究是令人反感的。I consider that saving lives is natural, and conversely that standing by and not doing life-saving research as quickly as possible is repugnant.

当崔斯特成年时,魔索布莱城中越来越多的人开始讨厌他,而且他也无法去做他的社会所需要的那些邪恶行为。As Drizzt comes of age, more and more of life in Menzoberranzan becomes repugnant to him, and he can't perform the evil acts his society requires.