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我便秘了。给我点泻药。I'm constipated. I need some laxative.

这些药可以起到通便的作用。The medicine can be used as a laxative.

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可能要医瞩开大便软化剂或泻药。A stool softener or laxative may be ordered.

他们喝的饮料都是柠檬水和泻药茶。All they drink is master cleanse and laxative tea.

它已被证明是一个很好的泻药来源。It has been proven as an excellent laxative source.

甚至服用泻药或灌肠才能将大便排出。Even taking laxative or enema stool will be discharged.

它是一种先进的替代泻药政府。It is an advanced alternative of laxative administration.

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无论在什么情况下,千万不要在一个晚上同时服用安眠药和泻药。Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and laxative on the same night.

无论,在任何情况下,永远,不要在一个夜晚,同时吃,安眠药,和通便灵。Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.

人体试验表明,海带膳食纤维具有良好的通便作用。Laminaria japonica DF taken orally showed a good laxative effect on constipated patients.

没有明确的证据证明肠道长期问题的出现与刺激性泻药的使用有关。No clear-cut evidence exists for long-term bowel problems related to stimulant laxative use.

泻药产品不应该被使用一段时间超过一周,除非有医生的指示。Laxative products should not be used for a period longer than one week unless directed by a doctor.

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具有润肠通便的功效,可治疗前列腺增生兼习惯性便秘者。Have a laxative effect, but the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia and habitual constipation.

芹菜汁也可作为利尿和轻泻剂以及降压良药。Besides, celery juice can be used to be drugs for diuretic and laxative and for reducing the pressure.

由此,这次实验证明了特斯拉发明了第一个而且是唯一的电子排泄器。He had to rush to the restroom, thus proving Tesla had discovered the first and only electric laxative.

所有天然草药,包含的通便片剂是为减轻便秘而设计的天然的轻泻剂。Herbal Laxative Tablets are an all-natural laxative designed for the relief of occasional constipation.

木蜜一些植物分泌的液体的干燥凝结物,如地中海白腊树,这一凝结物以前用作。The dried exudate of certain plants, as that of the Mediterranean ash tree, formerly used as a laxative.

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其中有一个学习的天然食品泻药财产,你就可以控制和消除便秘。By learning which foods have a natural laxative property, you can control and eliminate your constipation.

值得注意的是齐泽克支持乔治·索罗斯,他将这位左翼的亿万富翁金融家比作巧克力腹泻药。Noting that he supports George Soros, he compared the lefty billionaire financier to a chocolate laxative.

蓖麻籽油是倾泻剂这么清楚的事实也害怕表示自己的意见。There are men who would even be afraid to commit themselves on the doctrine that castor oil is a laxative.