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科学隐喻应是可检验的。Scientific metaphors are verifiable.

这是一个已知的科学事实和核实。This is a known scientific fact and is verifiable.

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我们是相爱的,千真万确,天地可鉴。We are in love, and it's true love, it's verifiable.

免考申请必须亲笔书写并经过确认。The excuse must be in writing, and it must be verifiable.

以上所有信息是否都被存档并可证实?Is all of the above information documented and verifiable?

因此,对于他们来说,这一用语的使用仍然是核查。Therefore, for them, the use of the term is still verifiable.

在20世纪50年代之前,还没有任何可以证实该情况的书面报告。There are no verifiable written reports from before the 1950s.

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因此,“他们没有关于中国的可经国际认可的数据。So "they do not have internationally verifiable numbers for China.

财务会计的统计数据被希望是客观和具有可证实性的。Financial accounting data are expected to be objective and verifiable.

也不能被任何别的可证实的方面包含。And nor is it contained by any other verifiable aspect of the statement.

身分证、驾照、健保卡、护照或其他证明身分的方法。ID Card, Drivers Licence, Health Insurance, Passport Other verifiable means.

猎头公司的数据库中有这个地区所有信息技术人才的资料。The candidate must provide verifiable information to the head-hunting agency.

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某一基本定律单一而可验证的例外一经发现后即被推翻!Find one single, verifiable exception to a fundamental law, and it is destroyed!

应当知道并可证实关键设备的当前校验状态。The current calibration status of critical equipment should be known and verifiable.

提出了动态可验证的彩色可视多重秘密共享方案。A dynamic and verifiable threshold color visual multi-secret sharing scheme was proposed.

按照“证实原则”,一个命题在理论上是否有意义,要看它能否在经验中得到证实。According to the principle, statements are meaningful only insofar as they are verifiable.

要记住的一点是相信计算机安全一定能通过计算的方法验证。One point to remember is that trust in computer security must be computationally verifiable.

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本月美国再次呼吁朝鲜“完全彻底,有据可查地去核”。This month America again called for North Korea’s “complete and verifiable denuclearisation”.

确切地说,佛法有一个侧面是直接可见并亲身可证的。To be sure, the Dhamma does have an aspect which is directly visible and personally verifiable.

简体字来自于连续可证明的甲骨文的进化史。Simplified Chinese characters from Oracle to the evolutionary history of a continuous and verifiable.