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他是玩锤子剪刀布的少有的高手。He is one of the best RPS athletes.

TS在单个8核心的机器上能达到35000的RPS。TS serves 35,000 RPS from a single 8 cores machine.

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在一个竞争的市场里,RPS是一个以市场为基础的、公正的和在管理上简单易行的政策。In a competitive market, RPS is a market-based, fair and in the management on a simple policy.

甚至在2006年,一个佛罗里达的法官命令两个律师用石头剪刀和步这个游戏来解决争议。Hell, back in 2006 a Florida judge even ordered two lawyers to settle a dispute with a game of RPS.

除了可能的违约罚金外,RPS不需要政府进行大量的资金筹集和管理工作。Apart from possible outside of a default fine, RPS does not need substantial government funding and management.

RPS系统实现了抗滑桩设计参数的优化及设计成果的计算机处理。RPS accomplish the optimization of resistance slide pile parameter and the result of design treating with computer.

讨论了具有三自由度的3-RPS并联机器人机构的运动分析。This paper presents the first and second order kinematic analysis of the three degree of freedom 3 RPS parallel robot mechanism.

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最后,本文以半导体封装厂水平式协同制造为例,在实作的系统上进行资源之规划,并显示其结果。In this paper, a case of semiconductor assembly for horizontal CM is used as example to illustrate the schedules resulted from the RPS.

第一,缺少一种简便的方法来设计RPS的板单元,使得每一根角梁的剪式铰完全被RPS板单元覆盖。First, there is a lack of a convenient way to keep all the pivots of an angulated beam within the boundary of its corresponding RPS plate.

然而,用活菌对174日龄的鱼种攻毒的试验结果表明,免疫组与对照不存在显著差异。However, the RPS between immunized and control groups of 174 day-old fingerlings had no significant differences in experimental challenge.

利用XRD、SEM、TEM及HRTEM等分析手段研究分析了涂层的结构、微观组织,以及涂层内的晶体缺陷。XRD, SEM, TEM and HRTEM were applied to analyze the phase composition and microstructure, as well as crystal defects in the RPS TiN coating.

1918年,俱乐部更名为“世界石头、剪子、布俱乐部”,以彰显其日益扩大的国际影响力,而它的总部也有伦敦迁到了多伦多。In 1918, the name was changed to World RPS Club to reflect the growing international representation and its headquarters moved from London to Toronto.

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1918年,俱乐部更名为“世界石头、剪子、布俱乐部”,以彰显其日益扩大的国际影响力,而它的总部也有伦敦迁到了多伦多。In 1918, the name was changed to World RPS Club to reflect the growing international representation and its headquarters moved from London to Toronto.

简要介绍了我国现行压力容器、压力管道定期检验规范体系,并与相应的API规范进行了对比分析。In this paper, the current periodic inspection regulation system for pressure vessel and pressure piping in China is briefly introduced, comparing to related API standards and codes and RPs.

根据官方的规则,世界领先的岩石纸剪联赛,这是一种很容易理解的游戏,在游戏中提供了两个寿、快速修复的RPS乐趣!Based on the official rules of the world's leading Rock Paper Scissors League, this is a very easily understandable game, which provides both longevity in game play and a quick fix of RPS fun!