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我相信不会吧。I believe not.

我相信这一点。This I believe.

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相信那句话?Believe that tex?

我认为我们必须这样。I believe we must.

我相信自然神论。I believe in Deism.

我相信是有的。I believe there is.

只要我们这样坚信。If only we believe.

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什么是我所信仰的?What do I believe?

你一定要相信…You mus. t believe.

我相信他的誓言。I believe his troth.

我相信我可以飞。I believe i can fly.

我相信我自己。I believe in myself.

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简直不敢相信“I don't believe it!"

我们相信,他们可以。We believe they can.

相信我们,我们实测过。Believe us, we tried.

但,别信那些鬼话。But don’t believe it.

我想那时我是六岁。I was six, I believe.

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他们相信幽浮的存在。They believe in UFOs.

我为什么信神?Why I Believe in God?

你信不过我啊?You don't believe me?