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他外表瘦长。He has a reedy appearance.

又细又长的草覆盖着整个地区。The reedy grass covered the whole area.

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但那柄镰刀偏对一丛花高抬贵手。Beside a reedy brook the scythe had bared.

她斜倚芦苇侧傍。Leaning her breast against the reedy shore.

那么他这么说有什么依据呢?里迪表示,一旦开始抽烟就很难戒掉。His reasoning?Once a person starts smoking, it is hard to stop, Reedy says.

“我的朋友,”他在缓慢,温家宝的声音里迪说,“我们来得太晚了。”My friend, " he says in his slow, reedy Wen Jiabao voice, " we have come too late.

芦苇的独家VMX伟大构想使IB4600和欧盟的标准规格镍氢电池更加美好。Reedy 's exclusive VMX Concept makes great IB4600 Standard and EU Spec NiMH cells even better.

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芦苇已经宣布释放其所有新的微型传感器组成的无刷系统电机和ESC。Reedy have announced the release of their all-new sensorless Micro Brushless System comprising of motors and ESC.

新的芦苇VR.21专业引擎已经采取了胜利手中的克雷格演出在最新一轮的斯劳冬季系列。The new Reedy VR. 21 Pro engine has taken the win in the hands of Craig Drescher at the latest round of the Slough Winter series.

盖里·里迪是美国癌症协会的首席执行官,最近,该协会宣布为20所美国高校提供抗烟补助。Gary Reedy is chief executive officer of the American Cancer Society, which recently announced anti-smoking grants to 20 U. S. colleges.

本片讲述了二手车清算人堂里迪帮助濒临倒闭的一个汽车行扭亏为盈,但在爱情面前却手足无措。The film tells the used car liquidatortogether tohelpthebrinkofcollapse reedy lines of a car turnaround, but are unprepared inthefaceoflove.

1998年起,路易威登陆续陆续推出的高级成衣,男女鞋履以及珠宝腕表等全新产品系列也都大获成功。Since 1998, Louis Vuitton has diversified into reedy -to-wear fashion, shoes and watches and jewellery with resounding success. Louis Vuitton Nanjing Store will be opened next year.