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他是一个惯犯。He is a habitual criminal.

他们是惯犯。They are habitual criminals.

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她总是耽于幻想。She was a habitual daydreamer.

他的惯用手法是折衷。His habitual touch was that of the eclectic.

那个惯犯已经被关起来。That habitual criminal has been locked away.

他皱着眉头,十足一副惯匪的模样。He frowns full of habitual bandit appearance.

电影观众我和女友是电影院的常客。My girlfriend and I are habitual cinema-goers.

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他的老板因他习惯性旷工而解雇了他。His boss discharged him for habitual absenteeism.

习惯性的暴食使这男孩的胃扩张了。Habitual overeating had distended the boy's stomach.

习惯性思考规律就像一条泥巴路上的深车轮印。Habitual thought patterns are like ruts in a dirt road.

他惯长坐在桌旁的位置被壹个陌竖伤占据了。His habitual place the table was occupied by a stranger.

检查你对最普通的紧张性刺激的惯常反应。Examine your habitual reactions to your most common stressors.

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人们的习惯思维方式也应当变变了。The habitual thinking kind of people also ought to go changed.

另一组是由逛公园的人们的习惯性活动踩踏出来的。The other arose out of the habitual activity of the park’s users.

对一些人来说,每天只喝一杯咖啡已经成为了一种习惯。For some people, just one cup of coffee a day can become habitual.

她的自尊心受到了伤害,但是她镇静自若的习惯帮助了她。Her pride was hurt, but her habitual control of manner helped her.

机械的,习惯性的反应会将我们带入一个狭窄的盲区。Automatic, habitual reactions lead us and others into blind alleys.

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你将预计使英国成为你的常居地。You will be expected to make the UK your country of habitual residence.

他每天早上都是惯常的早餐,汉堡包和火腿三明治。He had his habitual breakfast, hamburger and ham sandwich every morning.

那这种笑脸将更有可能成为一种习惯性的笑”。That smile is more likely to become a habitual smile, " noted Goodstein."