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这是认识过程的一次大飞跃。It is a big leap in the process of cognition.

我们能根据其认知能力对这个作出预测。We may be able to predict that based on cognition.

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也许那可能存在的认知空间就是我们的空间。Perhaps the space of possible cognition is our space.

各组内证型认知状态比较。Comparison of cognition among syndromes in each group.

元认知力比认知力更有利于成功。Metacognition is more important to success than cognition.

促进新的脑细胞发展,改善认识和记忆能力。New brain cell development, improved cognition and memory.

人们对人类的认知力已思索了2000年。People have speculated about human cognition for 2000 years.

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高血压伴随着认知轻度减退。Hypertension is associated with mild decrements in cognition.

婴儿认知已经得到了多年的研究Infant cognition has been something studied for a very long time.

那不代表我们要接受我们的行为和认知。That does not mean we need to accept our behavior and our cognition.

科学决策活动是一种综合性的认识活动。Making Scientific decisions is a comprehensive activity of cognition.

结果表明对汉字数字的加工也是偏侧化的。The result shows there is lateralization in Chinese number cognition.

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彝族先民对宇宙结构的最早认识,能是盖天说吗?。What is the ancient Yis first cognition about the universe structure?

我要给大家介绍下,关于婴儿认知的现代科学发现So, I want to introduce you to the modern science of infant cognition.

学前期儿童的心理动词正处在发展阶段。Preschoolers are at the beginning of mental verb cognition development.

如果这也适用于认知的其他领域,为什么我们应该感到惊讶?Why should we be surprised if this applies to other areas of cognition?

科尔伯格是从认知领域来研究道德发展的。Lawrence Kohlberg studies moral development from the field of cognition.

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培养学生对美学秩序的认知思考与运用。Train the student's cognition to the esthetics order thinking and usage.

犯罪故意是指认识因素与意志因素的统一。"Deliberateness" of the crime calls for the unity of cognition and will.

有意义制定的过程中,意义和情感的融合非常重要。The integration of cognition and emotions in meaning-making is important.