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对我来说,安大略就同印第安纳一样。To me, Ontario may as well be Indiana.

安大略的天体物理学家,也同意这个观点。Poirier, the Ontario astrophysicist, agreed.

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安大略湖是世界第十四大湖。Lake Ontario is the world's 14th Great Lakes.

一个住在安大略湖南部的欧冈昆民族的人。A member of the Olgonquian people of S Ontario.

这安大略游侠加刀是第二代规格。This Ontario Ranger knife is the Spec Plus Gen II.

我们要去安大略湖的多伦多看你的妈妈。We’re going to see your mother, in Toronto, Ontario.

新移民应该尽快申请安大略省的OHIP健康卡。You should apply for OHIP as soon as you arrive in Ontario.

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如果你觉得零度刚“有点冷”,那你是住在安大略省。If you find 0 degrees "a little chilly", you live in Ontario.

年,安大略的居民又遭受了一场残酷的冰暴的蹂躏。In 1998, Ontario residents were crippled by a severe ice storm.

月光湾湖营地的树林中,加拿大安大略省渔业投宿。Moonlite Bay Camp Lake of the Woods, Ontario Canada Fishing Lodge.

安大略省是全美国白葡萄口味的熟早。Ontario is a full-flavored American white grape that ripens early.

我在安大略省多伦多市一家大公司工作了二十六年。For 26 years, I worked for a major corporation in Toronto, Ontario.

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联合加拿大被划分为安大略省和魁北克省。United Canada was divided into the provinces of Ontario and Quebec.

加拿大在安大略省亨茨维尔举办G8和G20峰会。Canada hosts a summit of both the G8 and G20 in Huntsville, Ontario.

这个地方是安大略省南方奥托拿比河边的一间松木小屋。It is a small cedar cabin on the Otonabee river in southern Ontario.

大学健康网络玛嘉烈医院,多伦多,安大略省。University Health Network-Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, Ontario.

尼亚加拉半岛葡萄酒厂坐落在安大略湖畔。Niagara Peninsula Winery is situated directly on the shore of Lake Ontario.

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如果你七月一号的烧烤因为霜降而挪到室内,那你是住在安大略省。If your 1st of July BBQ was moved indoors due to frost, you live in Ontario.

加拿大西安大略大学的天文学家彼得·布朗同意上述结论。Astronomer Peter Brown of the University of Western Ontario in Canada agrees.

如果你扫雪机的里程数比你汽车的里程数还高,那你是住在安大略省。If you have more miles on your snow blower than your car, you live in Ontario.