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诺福克岛。Norfolk Island.

没有谁能像一座孤岛。No manis an island.

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叫诗之岛。The Island of Poems.

鲁塔利岛是什麽?What is Lutari Island?

我去了斯塔滕岛。I went to staten island.

我要去圣岛了。I'm going to the island.

我将其停驻在长岛上。I keep it on Long Island.

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恶魔岛也算一个岛屿。Alcatraz is an island too.

每个岛屿都有其名字。Every island has its name.

此刻我们到达鼓浪屿。Now we arrived the island.

大石?半岛抑是岛?Rock? peninsula or island?

日本是个岛国。Japan is an island country.

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马尔代夫一岛一景。Maldivian island one scene.

他住在一座孤岛上。He lives on a lonely island.

天字一号岛,1月16号,2012Island One, January 16, 2012

我的心岛也在海风中使劲摇移。My island sways in the wind.

船安全绕过一个岛。The ship wreathed an island.

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她最喜欢的夏威夷岛?Her favorite Hawaiian island?

我可能是你的多叶的岛。I could be your leafy island.

卡布里岛还有什么好玩的?U caribou island and any fun?