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圈点着我心中的淡雅。Punctuate my heart in of elegantly simple.

小学生尚未学会正确使用标点符号。The pupils have not yet learned to punctuate correctly.

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突发的黄色标点的仙人掌在曼萨尼约,墨西哥。Bursts of yellow punctuate a cactus in Manzanillo , Mexico.

教会前面是两扇有木栅的窗户。Two barred windows punctuate the brick side of the building.

CT上表现为基底核区局限性点状钙化。The CT scan showed localized punctuate calcification in basal ganglia.

不对称可以使平淡的设计出彩。You can use asymmetry to punctuate an otherwise orderly, boring design.

虽然冰冻的湖泊让图片呈现大片白色,但许多湖泊已清晰可见。While frozen lakes punctuate the landscape with white, many lakes are clear.

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我对呼吸系统能做什么一无所知,我也不会给一个句子标上标点符号。I had no idea what the respiratory system did and I couldn't punctuate a sentence.

就象是为了强调这些想法,他觉得有水进到了他的鞋缝里。As if to punctuate this thought, he felt water coming in at the seams of his shoes.

他还创造了戏剧性的三重姿态,在场景的高潮时刻不时中断。He also originated the dramatic mie poses, which punctuate climactic moments in a scene.

为了声明重点,中国驱逐了相关海域的'非法'越南渔民。To punctuate the point, China harassed Vietnamese fisherman near disputed islands in the sea.

我们要学习的是,如何使用不对称的元素让整体性对称布局更出彩。However, note how asymmetrical items are used to punctuate the general symmetry the layout has.

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上这两个网站跟我在工作时停下来喝杯咖啡或茶的原因是一样的。I keep checking them for much the same reason I punctuate my working day with cups of tea and coffee.

财务业绩预示了上述银行将面临一个低迷的年份,三大银行均接受了国家援助。The financial results punctuate a dismal year for the lenders, all of which are receiving state support.

作为一个显示权威的异族动作,他经常吐出长而分叉的舌头来强调这种呼吁。In an alien gesture of authority, he would often punctuate such calls with a flicker of his long, forked tongue.

寄给我礼物包装纸被撕开的声音和孩子们打开礼物并四处炫耀时的啊呀声。Send the crinkle and tear of wrapping paper and the oohs and aahs that punctuate each gift as it is exposed and shown around.

CT扫描显示在一侧或双侧基底节区点或片状钙化,其附近存在类圆形点或片状低密度灶。CT scan showed punctuate calcified foci with circular infarcts of low density beside them in single or bilateral basal ganglia.

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此活动重在考查学生对形容词从句、副词从句和名词从句的组织能力。THIS activity focuses on the students' ability to compose and punctuate sentences with dependent adjective, adverb and noun clauses.

原色统治,在12个豪华的全页照片,以及在较小的小插曲,辣椒和标点的叙述。Primary colors reign in the 12 sumptuous full-page pictures, as well as in the smaller vignettes that pepper and punctuate the narrative.

对于一些大胆、创新的设计,不对称更可以强化这种效果。不对称可以使平淡的设计出彩。For risk-loving designs providing asymmetry can reinforce the message. You can use asymmetry to punctuate an otherwise orderly boring design.