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以医疗档案的电脑化管理为例。Take the computerization of medical records.

会计电算化是会计工作的发展趋势。Computerization is the trend of accounting work.

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为方便电脑处理,请以英文填写地址。For computerization purpose, please use English address.

有财务电算化的经验。Have experience in the computerization of financial functions.

这些年来,法院记录的电脑化显著地改变了我的工作。The computerization of Court records has changed my job significantly over the years.

本系统的研制为科技项目管理的计算机化奠定了基础。This system is base of computerization of management of science and technology projects.

会计电算化是会计工作现代化的重要内容和标志。The accounting computerization is important content and sign of accountancy's modernization.

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看起来,电脑化一定对我们有帮助—但要怎样才能做起来呢?It seemed to all of us that computerization ought to assist us—but how were we to set about it?

它有助于进一步对氧化还原滴定过程研究的计算机化和自动化。It is helpful to the computerization and automation of the study of the process on redox titration.

不制定这些严格的标准,我们就正会掉入电脑化的旋涡。Without creating those rigid standards we'll just be caught up In the whirlpool of computerization.

电算化的引入对会计体系的发展起到了很大作用。The introduction of computerization plays an important part on the development of accounting system.

在市场经济中,会计电算化是现代企业管理的重要组成部分。Accountant computerization is an important part of the modem enterprise management in market economy.

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传统的查账法子,对电算化的会计个体已不完整适用。The traditional method, the computerization of the audit for the individual has not completely accounting.

随着农业经营管理的进步与发展,商务电算化已成必然趋势。With the development of agricultural management, the commercial computerization has become the evitable trend.

会计电算化的应用,改变了传统的内部控制的内容与模式。The application of accounting computerization has changed the content and mode of traditional internal control.

本文就会计电算化系统中,人——机界面的“友好”谈几点看法。Some views on "the friendship" of user interface in accounting computerization software were illustrated in this paper.

计算机网络技术的飞速发展极大地推动了会计电算化的发展。The rapid development of the computer network technology hastens greatly the development of accounting computerization.

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露天矿台阶爆破设计的“三化”即规范化、参数优化和计算机辅助设计化。Standardization, parameter optimization and computerization are introduced in the engineering of open-pit bench Masting.

高校会计工作实行电算化管理,改进了传统工作方式,提高了工作质量。The computerization of accounting in colleges and universities betters the traditional work methods and improve work quality.

介绍了企业在开展会计电算化中如何进行硬件和软件的选择及应注意的问题。This artical presents how to chose software and hardware in enterprise accountancy computerization and the problems concened.