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你知道,偷窃是人家的真实职业。You know, thievery is my true calling.

如果没有联带的后果,偷窃就不再有风险了。Thievery presents no risk if there are no further consequences.

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对于那些应用程序,我建议做了偷窃一点。For those applications I suggest doing a little bit of thievery.

商界到底是一个贼窝,还是诚实人的天堂?Is the business world a den of thievery or a haven for upstanding citizens?

开玩笑,这是赃物,要是给了你,谁会相信我的清白啊?Kidding. It is thievery. If i give to you, who will believe me innocent kid?

政府与偷窃的区别主要是一个合法性的问题。The difference between government and thievery is mostly a matter of legality.

那些本身不属于盗窃种族的鸟们则不会出现将食物挖出来重新掩埋的行为。Birds from species not known for thievery don't show the same reburying behavior.

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这真是个笑话,全世界都知道俄罗斯根本没有东西可以提供,有的只是谎言和偷窃。This is a joke, the world knows Russia hasnothing to offer but lies and thievery.

犹大如何对自己的盗窃和背叛做出了世俗的懊悔?How had Judas Iscariot expressed a "worldly sorrow" for his thievery and betrayal?

该电影讲述的是发生在尼日利亚三角洲某古代宫廷阴谋政变的故事。It shows intrigue and thievery at the court of an ancient king in the Niger Delta.

对吝啬鬼来说,节俭和偷窃之间的界线竟如同旧货市场上的溜溜球般纠结杂乱。For penny-pinchers, the line between thrift and thievery turns out to be as tangled as a yard-sale yo-yo.

我无法允许在我管辖的范围内发生偷窃行为。Which was taken, without authorization from my mess facility, and I will not tolerate thievery in my unit.

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但是各个阶层的美国人越来越多的把华尔街的缺点看成某种形式的偷窃行为。But Americans across the spectrum increasingly see Wall Street's shortcomings as a form of modern thievery.

展览还展出了一些照片和因偷窃曾被弄瞎、伤残和截肢的受害者的证词。The exhibition presented photographs and testimonies of victims who had been blinded or crippled or suffered amputations for thievery.

那时,艾伦正读八年级,他调皮捣蛋,不仅常常欺凌弱小,更是个偷窃高手。When Alan was in the eighth grade, he majored in "trouble". He had studied how to be a bully and was getting his master's in "thievery".

网络盗窃可以成为美好生活的敲门砖,这种想法已经从早期的先行者那里传播到年轻群体之中,成为毒害沃尔恰社会结构的一颗毒瘤。Online thievery as a ticket to the good life spread from the early pioneers to scores of young men, infecting Râmnicu Vâlcea's social fabric.

网络盗窃可以成为美好生活的敲门砖,这种想法已经从早期的先行者那里传播到年轻群体之中,成为毒害沃尔恰社会结构的一颗毒瘤。Online thievery as a ticket to the good life spread from the early pioneers to scores of young men, infecting Râmnicu Vâlcea’s social fabric.

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信息计量表虽然拦不住贼偷或者黑客,但是却可以抵消掉那些坐享其成以及人类天生的分享欲望。Information meters can't stop thievery or hacking, but meters can counteract the effects of lazy mooching and the natural human desire to share.

尽管小偷小摸经常性地在官方新闻媒体中被谴责,但每年被窃物资的数量方面并没有政府统计数据。There are no official government statistics on how much is stolen each year, though petty thievery is routinely denounced in the official news media.

结果,地球上的灵性领导层和统治层失去了,人类回归到野蛮、战争、偷窃和对他人的掠夺中。As a result, the spiritual leadership and governance on Earth was lost, and humanity turned to barbarism, warring, thievery , and rape on one another.