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克丽丝汀赞许地环视一下房间。Christine surveyed the room approvingly.

一些右翼评论家称赞这张海报。Some Right-wing commentators have seized approvingly on the image.

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皮埃尔谛听上校说话,点点头,表示赞同。Pierre listened to the colonel's remarks, and nodded his head approvingly.

当黑人教堂的人听到这些,他们都点头赞许。When people in black churches heard this, they would nod their heads approvingly.

有没有在你跑步的时候,一车美女在经过你身旁时对你发出喜爱的尖叫?Ever had a carload of girls drive by when you're jogging and scream at you approvingly?

有没有女人对你笑然后主动破冰接近你?Ever had a carload of girls drive by when you're jogging and scream at you approvingly ?

我总是点头称是,因为我的妻子眼光深深地嵌入了我的脑海里。I always nodded approvingly because my wife's stare was embedded into the back of my head by now.

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G20拥护者指出,该集团有史以来首次迎击了汇率问题.Boosters note approvingly that the group, for the first time, grasped the nettle of exchange rates.

新天籁表现出色,对车子较有研究王先生频频点头称好。The new Teana outstanding performance of the car more research Wang nodded approvingly and said good.

艾布瑞妮疑惑的照做了。一阵刺痛从指尖穿过她,苔什拉满意的点了点头。Wonderingly, Ambreene did so. A tingling spread through her from her fingertips, and Teshla nodded approvingly.

有没有在你跑步的时候,一车美女在经过你身旁时对你发出喜爱的尖叫?Ever had a carload of girls drive by when you’re jogging and scream at you approvingly? It makes you feel great doesn’t it?

一面美国国旗在他们白宫寓所的壁炉里慢慢燃烧,而本•拉登的肖像则摆放在壁炉上,看上去对他们的举动大加赏识。An American flag burns away cozily in their White House fireplace, while a portrait of Osama bin Laden looks on approvingly.

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老妇人笑着指了指我碗中的臭豆腐表示赞赏,然后她继续用钩针编织她的红白格子拖鞋。The old lady smiled, pointed at my tofu approvingly and went back to crocheting the red and white chequered slippers she was making.

你经常能够在有关盛装舞步的文本中看到这样的表达,它通常被赞许的称道是应当发展和鼓励的特征。You often find this expression in the source documents of dressage, and it is always spoken of approvingly as a trait to be developed and encouraged.

正当我开始再次喘息时,圣帕布帕德微笑着看着昆佳比哈瑞并点头认可了他的门徒的奉献服务。Just as I was starting to breathe again, Çréla Prabhupäda looked at Kunjabihari with a smile and nodded approvingly of his disciple's devotional service.

因为他觉得自己是为了它们而堕落的。他全灵魂所愿望的一种乐趣,是受着母亲的宽容的抚爱,为他刻在童时经历过的。The one pleasure that he desires with his whole soul is that of being approvingly caressed by his mother, which he can remember having experienced in childhood.

古今多少诗人画家都称道枫叶的颜色,然而,比起柿树来,枫叶却不知要逊色多少呢。So many ancient and modern poets and artists have spoken approvingly of the color of maple leaves, yet compared with persimmons, maple leaves are inferior to them.

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当我奋力跳入潭中后,吉姆赞许地冲我微笑,我们划了几下水游到了沙滩上,在热沙子上躺了一会儿,然后游回对岸,再把这种活动做一遍。When I came up sputtering, Jim smiled approvingly and we swam a few strokes to the beach, lay on the hot sand for awhile, and then swam back across the pool to do it again.