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这无疑是摆脱混乱与愚味的第一步。This is no doubt the first step out of confusion and fatuity.

这无疑是摆脱混乱与愚味的第一步。This is no doubt the first step out of confusion and fatuity.

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还说什么我们应该帮助少数民族发展,摆脱愚昧。We should help the minority to develop and get rid of fatuity.

历史的无知,往往导致政治上的昏庸。Therefore, ignorance of history often leads to fatuity in politics.

你所问的问题只会了解到当时思想的愚昧。You have only to ask the questions to realise the fatuity of the idea.

后来这奸臣成了国王,但是由于他的昏庸,这个国家不久就灭亡了。Later he became the king , but because of his fatuity , the country soon perished.

慕容熙昏庸暴虐,赋税很重,人民痛苦不堪,怨恨四起。Hee Murong fatuity oppressive, heavy taxes, the people's pain, resentment everywhere.

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刘禅昏庸无能,在那些有才能的大臣死后,公元263年,蜀国就被魏所灭。Liu Chan fatuity incompetence, in order to have the minister who died, 263 AD, Shu Weiwasout by.

张九龄的命运和大唐国运息息相关,张九龄罢相标志着唐玄宗开始走向昏庸,大唐国运开始走向衰败。His dismissal signaled the beginning of Emperor Xuanzong s fatuity and the decline of the great Tang Empire.

她热爱这个世界的纯真、质朴,也惋惜这个世界的愚昧、落后。She loves this naive and unpretending world, and also feels sorry for the fatuity and getting behind of this world.

楚王的昏庸,佞臣的险虐,家邦的危机,民生的多艰,戮刺着您心头的痛处。King chu's fatuity sycophantic courtiers'evil your kingdom's crisis people's hard livelihood all stab your sore spot.

福克纳小说中生活在历史变革时期的美国南方人集中体现出现代悲剧精神。First, it reflects the females status, fortune, bondage of spirit and the spiritual tragedy made by fatuity at that time.

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清朝皇帝和大臣的昏庸,在鸦片战争中是否战败的次要原因?为什么说这一点在中日甲午战争中上升为主要原因?Whether the fatuity of the Chinese emperor and his ministers in Qing dynasty is the secondary cause of the failure in the Opium War ?

这些观点和做法,在当时对于打破守旧、克服愚昧、解放人心等都起了极为量要的作用。Their viewpoints and practice play an extremely important role in breaking with conventions, overcoming fatuity and emancipating mind at that time.

文明是一个与野蛮、愚昧和无知相对应的概念,标志着人类社会进步的程度和开化的状态。The civilization is a concept which is opposite to barbarism, fatuity and ignorance. It symbolizes the progressive degree and civilized state of human society.

冲动被压抑在蒙昧和恐惧中,造成膨胀与萎缩的强烈对比,表现出主人公痛苦的内心状态。The impulse, oppressed and suffocated by fatuity and fear, produces the intense contrast between exuberance and suffocation, conveying the agonized mentality of the hero and heroine.