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我只是照实说而已。Just being practical.

成为实践理想主义者?Be practical idealists?

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已经是实用性的了。It’s already practical.

这有点傻,不过很实用。This is dorky, but practical.

我想这可能不太实用吧?I guess this is not practical.

目前能默背过吗?Can eager recite trapm practical?

他在学习实用英语。He is studying practical English.

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我们认为万全之策是切实可行的。We hold a sure card to be practical.

哪些可能是切实可行的步骤?What might these practical steps be?

一部常用同义词辨析词典。A very practical synonymy dictionary.

弗劳利是个机敏老练的人。Frawley was an astute, practical man.

不管怎样,他喜欢实用的东西But anyway, he loved practical things.

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布林德雷所作的改良是很实际的。Brindley's improvements were practical.

无任何耗材,使用成本低。No any consumable , low practical cost.

网页版客户端,操作方便,实用。Web Edition Client, easy and practical.

我只是认为这是出于实际的需要。I thought of it only as being practical.

你们都切合实际、热爱工作。You are both practical and hard working.

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首先是对实用功能的轻视。Firstly, it contempts practical function.

你怎敢这样说?我只是照实说而已。How dare you say so?Just being practical.

以虚带实。Let correct ideology guide practical work.