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这是思想堕落者所为。This is the work of a depraved mind.

换句话说,世界上野生动物的行为是堕落不堪的。The world’s wildlife, in other words, is depraved.

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你一定是疯了,要不就是中了邪,鬼迷心窍。You must either be mad or utterly depraved and wicked.

道德学家同样谴责这种堕落的行为。Moralists also denounced depraved behaviour in the baths.

爱很辛苦,所以再也不认真爱了。Wiht depraved color. the more I love you the more I feel cold.

阿波罗当场把他那对不辨雅俗的耳朵变成了一对驴耳朵。Apollo promptly transformed his depraved pair of ears into those of an ass.

迈韦斯,德国罗滕堡人,据说是个堕落的可怜虫。By most accounts Meiwes was a depraved and pathetic individual from Roteburg, Germany.

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道德的和不道德的精神状态分别被具象化为神圣的和堕落的地点。Moral and immoral mental states are reified separately as divine and depraved locations.

因此,共和党人必须编造种种谎言,让任何挽救生命的医疗扩展方案声名狼藉。So they have to invent lies to make any life-saving extension of healthcare sound depraved.

圣地亚哥女国会议员玛利亚认为这些不卖酒的咖啡馆吸引了男性思想中堕落的成分。Maria Antonieta Saa says the non-alcoholic cafes appeal to the "depraved simplicity" of men's minds.

阿荷拉归我之后行邪淫,贪恋所爱的人,就是她的邻邦亚述人。Her sister Oholibah saw this, yet in her lust and prostitution she was more depraved than her sister.

毁灭者布莱克汉,一个异常堕落和邪恶的首领,被选中成为了古尔丹的傀儡。Blackhand the Destroyer, a particularly depraved and vicious orc warlord, was chosen to be Gul'dan's puppet.

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堕落的刑事指控的细节行为,很少人会期望内像所谓的直立节的门诺教派。The criminal charges detail depraved acts few would expect inside a supposedly upright sect like the Mennonites.

动物都比这些实行此类性坠落行为的肮脏的人更值得同情。"Animals deserve more pity than the dirty people who practise such sexual depraved acts, " he told the Observer.

你有哪些机会像光一样照亮这个弯曲悖谬的世代,并持守生命之道?What opportunities do you have to shine as lights and hold our the word of life to a crooked, depraved generation?

体外受精曾一度被视为神耍弄的堕落把戏,而现在被人们,其中甚至有许多虔诚的宗教信徒所接受。In vitro fertilization was once seen as depraved God-playing and is now embraced, even by many of the devoutly religious.

圣地亚哥女国会议员玛利亚认为这些不卖酒的咖啡馆吸引了男性思想中堕落的成分。Santiago congresswoman Maria Antonieta Saa says the non-alcoholic cafes appeal to the "depraved simplicity" of men's minds.

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从前雅尼和佯庇怎样敌挡摩西,这等人也怎样敌挡真道。Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men of depraved mind, rejected in regard to the faith.

高子鹏本人是电视从业人员,业余参加堕落知识分子的酗酒和漫游活动。Zipeng Gao is originally a TV program maker, who often joins in intemperance and vagrancy of depraved intellectuals in his spare time.

我们要努力保持政府工作人员的诚实守信,勤勉敬业的作风。坚持不懈地与腐败作斗争,坚决惩办腐败分子。We will earnestly keep government employees honest and industrious, combat corruption persistently and resolutely punish the depraved ones.