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为我的罪孽。For my sin.

帮我擦擦嘛!Wipe for me!

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免费,太棒了!YAY For Free!

来刷我们的房子?For our house?

为她感到高兴?Happy for her?

我赞成65岁退休。I vote for 65.

找玉米棒子!Look for corn!

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等等阿岱。Wait for Adai.

给你一颗小星星。A star for you!

为它们争辩。Argue for them.

售卖的头梳!Combs for sale!

现在转上去吧!Go for it, now!

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为你的康复而祈祷。I pray for you.

我等候她。I wait for her.

我在这儿等你。I'm here for u.

划啊,孩子们!划向岸。Pull for shore.

所有人的权利。Rights for all.

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向钱看。Work for money.

对于所有米技术。For all M. Tech.

要他们付出代价。For them to pay.