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为可预见的事准备好偿债基金。Sinking funds for foreseeable events.

至少在可预见之将来,千秋之事可期。Or at least for the foreseeable future.

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在可以预见的将来癌症将可以征服。Cancer will be conquerable in the foreseeable future.

根据预测,我们今晚没有回城的可能。There's no foreseeable chance of us getting back to town tonight.

更加可能的结果是,在可预知的未来将不会出现任何超级大国。More likely, there will not be a superpower in the foreseeable future.

这万年历显示比赛日期已可预见的未来日期。This calendar shows "the" date matches the date in the foreseeable future.

如表,他们希望两国之间的紧张关系,坚持在可预见的将来。Like list, they expected this tension to persist into the foreseeable future.

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相反的,为了可今后利益,同意Joltid授权该系统。Instead, it agreed to license Global Index from Joltid for the foreseeable future.

这些问题在可预见的未来并不能由传统计算机所胜任。These problems cannot be solved using a classical computer in the foreseeable future.

海地这场霍乱爆发在可见的将来还会继续夺命。In Haiti, the cholera outbreak will continue to claim lives for the foreseeable future.

着重分析了可预见性风险分配原理在理论上的构成要件。The theoretic composition of the foreseeable risk principle was the focus of the paper.

同时一位地震学家在报纸上也写道这次灾难是可以预料到的。Also in the newspaper, a seismologist wrote that the country's disaster was foreseeable.

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曼德尔森则称,在可预见的未来都没有解决核心问题的真正机会。Mandelson said he saw no real chance of resolving core issues in the foreseeable future.

约曼斯表示,在可预知的未来,对近地小行星的探测研究仍然会继续下去。Still, Yeomans admits that the NEO search will likely continue for the foreseeable future.

然而,在可以预见的将来,自治,而非独立,到目前为止依旧是最为明智的选择。But for the foreseeable future, autonomy, not independence, is by far the most sensible aim.

在可预见的未来,焦炭仍是炼铁不可缺少的原料。Coke is and remains an indispensable raw material for iron-making in the foreseeable future.

这使得央行在可预见的将来不调高利率。That essentially committed the central bank to not raising rates for the foreseeable future.

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可以预见在今后很长一段时间内,和合本将仍是最受欢迎的中文版本。It is foreseeable that the CUV will be the most popular Chinese version in the long-term future.

因此,顶管施工在市政工程中尤其是在市政给排水管线工程中得到了广泛的应用。It is foreseeable that the laying of pipelines in the future would be supported by pipe-jacking.

皮尔斯-布鲁斯南在将要推出的影片中仍将扮演詹姆斯-邦德,在可预见的未来也将继续扮演这个角色。Pierce Brosnan will play James Bond in the forthcoming production and for the foreseeable future.