Use 'expose' in a sentence
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揭露你隐藏的错处。Expose your hidden faults.
我们欢迎揭露假恶丑。We welcome the expose evil.
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此物谨防日晒。Do not expose it to the sun.
不要把婴儿置于风囗处。Don't expose the baby to drafts.
街道袒露出它孤独的面容。The street expose the lonely face.
这将打开一个更小的子菜单。This will expose a smaller submenu.
我要揭露这一切骗人的鬼话。I am going to expose all this humbug.
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然后更多地曝光自己。and to really expose yourself to, a lot.
别把你的皮肤暴露在炎热的阳光下。Don't expose your skin to the flaming sun.
你害怕暴露自己的惭愧和内疚吗?Are you afraid to expose your shame or guilt?
但,却最终会露出破绽。But, finally will actually expose weaknesses.
请中止阳光直射本品,在5℃-25℃情形中生涯本品。Do not expose to sunlight and keep at 5℃-25℃.
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对于男人,请不要以身试法。Please do not easily expose yourself to a man.
电池充电过度可能会发生爆裂。The battery would expose as being overcharged.
不要给空容器加压,不要放在明火或热源附近。Do not pressurize or expose to open flame or heat.
留在家里,不要让你的皮肤在阳光下暴晒。Stay at home and don't expose your skin to the sun.
他发现网络让我们接触到了更多的谣言。He found that the Web does expose us to more rumors.
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林子君为了不暴露身份,忍气吞声。Lin Zijun in order not to expose the identity of it.
你越曝光自己,就越容易学会英语。The more you expose yourself, the easier it will be.
人生已经如此地艰难有些事情就不要拆穿。Life has been so difficult some things do not expose.