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该轮到我处于支配地位了。It was MY time to assume ascendency.

目前束缚着我们,并不只是他的支配地位。Not his ascendency alone, however, held me in thrall at present.

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中国的经济崛起并不一定意味着美国的衰落。China's economic ascendency does not have to imply America's decline.

我们利用优势为目标的功能或系统的性能指标。We use ascendency as a goal function or indicator of system performance.

经济崛起的同时也对公共健康造成更大的威胁。However, China's economic ascendency has generated greater threats to the public's health.

对一些,理查的迅速优势到魔术的最前方预定一个精华童话。To some, Richard's rapid ascendency to magic's forefront bespeaks a quintessential fairy tale.

这样,在一个情况下社会的各阶级之间存在着无休止的冲突Thus,in the one instance there was a perpetual conflict between the orders in society for the ascendency

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山城重庆能否成为第三站并且成为一个文明型国家崛起的最终发射点?Could this mountain metropolis be the third stop and final launching pad of the ascendency of a major civilizational power?

宗室是集中在专制君主周围的特殊阶层,他们的权势和地位来源于皇权,又能对皇权产生较大的影响。Imperial clan is a special class getting together the authority. It gets ascendency and status from the authority, and deeply effects the authority.

很明显,中国的崛起标志着西方国家全球霸权地位的结束,但是未来中国对世界的统治会是什么样则另当别论。It is clear that the rise of China marks the end of western global hegemony, but just what the coming Chinese ascendency will look like is another matter.

源头已经命令基督麦克可以按照他觉得适合的方式计划这次提升,但是人类的决定不断地改变着他尝试计划的参数。Source has decreed that Christ Michael can shape this ascendency as he sees fit, but man's choices continually change the parameters of what he is trying to shape.

而在一个这样的时代,一个政坛里讨厌华盛顿为主,一个藐视精英言论,一个充斥着各种茶话会的时代,这样的论断更加正确。And that has become particularly true in a political era characterized by a dislike for Washington, distrust of elite opinion, and the ascendency of Tea Party populism.

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优势量化的增长和发展的生态系统作为一个产品的整体系统穿越和互信息的固有模式,内部系统的流动。Ascendency quantifies growth and development of an ecosystem as a product of total system throughflow and the mutual information inherent in the pattern of internal system flows.

本文评介的三部书都讲述了过去二十年间中国在全球的雄起——及其政治结果与国际反应。The three books reviewed in this essay all speak to China's spectacular global ascendency of the past two decades—and to the political consequences and international reactions that have followed.