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这种自由能让你生龙活虎。This freedom can energize you.

他们希望他能为他们的党带来活力。They hope he helps energize their party.

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你将如何激励自己的雇员呢?What are you doing to energize your employees?

多想事物的益处能让你精力充沛。The benefits of something will help energize you.

公民社会如何为西九注入动力?How should civil society energize and revitalize WKCD?

太阳的热核反应给人类以能量。The thermonuclear reactions of the sun energize the human body.

同时,在他的演讲中,奥巴马总统寻求进一步去油能力的劳动力运动。And in his speech, Mr. Obama sought to further energize the labor movement.

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这都能有效地缓解疼痛,降压以及放松肌肉使身体充满活力。Both help to relieve pain, de-stress, relax your muscles and energize your body.

做深呼吸,这样你可以吸入新鲜的空气,也可以使你精力充沛。Do some deep breathing to bring some fresh air into your lungs and energize you.

像这样的电池还不能为发动机或者大部分的灯泡提供能量。Batteries like this will not be able to run a motor or energize most light bulbs.

拜日式可以给你带去精力和温暖,即使是在最黑暗、寒冷的冬天。Sun salutations can energize and warm you, even on the darkest, coldest winter day.

另外,早上吃碳水化合物会使人精力充沛,而晚上吃会使人放松。Also, carbohydrate food may energize in the morning but relax if eaten in the evening.

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让我们邀请我们的灵魂从以太体内给以太晶格层充能。Let us invite our soul from within the etheric body to energize the etheric grid work.

我相信,他留下的财富将在未来许多年里继续推动整个行业的发展。I am confident his legacy will continue to energize the industry for many years to come.

这些是光的密码子将会启动并且驱动整个地球的更新过程。These are Light Codes that will activate and energize the processes of Renewal on the Earth.

子女绝不能在父母面前抽烟,更不能向其借火或接火。Children must not smoke in front of their parents, not to its asking for a light or energize.

今天,昆剧振兴的标志不应该是折子戏的反复会演,而应该是本戏演出的繁荣。Today to re energize Kunqu operas depends on the performance of the whole operas rather than.

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愿望让我们有创造力,给我们能量和满足并将我们推向自己的目标。Desires fuel our creativity, energize us, give us fulfillment, and push us to reach our goals.

这种便携式电池操作和插件单位可以激发您在家中,办公室,研讨会或教室。This portable battery-operated and plug-in unit can energize your home, office, seminar or classroom.

轻微的急性压力事实上是有益的——它可以促使你采取行动,激发并鼓励你。Mild acute stress can actually be beneficial — it can spur you into action, motivate and energize you.