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那人去了马德里。El hombre salió para Madrid.

费利普给他的朋友叫出租车。Felipe llama un taxi para su amigo.

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详读第二段,回答细节问题。Read Para 2 carefully and answer the questions.

对罗马的比赛范尼能上么?Estará Van Nistelrooy para jugar contra la Roma?

为了子女的教育他不吝惜金钱。No regatea el dinero para la educación de sus hijos.

第十段中,下划线的霍瓦特所说的话意味着什么?What do Horvath's underlined words in Para 10 imply?

而千把块比塞塔也不够住旅馆的费用。Y con mil pesetas no tengo bastante para pagar un hotel.

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歌名在西语中意为“一生的朋友”。"Amigos para siempre" means "friends for life" in Spanish.

癌旁组织和非肿瘤组织未检出。No HPV was detected in para cancerous and non tumorous tissues.

十七岁的姐姐掀开被子坐了起来。Para 2 My 17-year-old sister pushes back her covers and sits up.

反应的区域选择性很高,均发生在与氮相连的苯环的对位。The reaction uniquely occurs at the para position of N-benzene ring.

他认为帕拉州需要的是一个更加强有力的税收基础,和更加多样化的经济。He reckons Pará needs a stronger tax base and more diversified economy.

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这种变革的支持者们辩称,帕拉州面积太过庞大以至于贝伦市不能承担其职责。Proponents of the change argue that Pará is too big to be run from Belém.

介绍了其模具结构、设计参数及技术经济分析。Die structure and design para meters, techno-economic analysis were introduced.

此种支管接头的设计应满足104.7节的要求。Such branch connections shall be designed to meet the requirement of para. 104.7.

自定义安装采用Zytel鞘与颈脊髓段是包含在这CRKT刀。A custom fitted Zytel sheath with neck para cord is included with this CRKT knife.

本文针对非设计工况下叶栅的分离流动进行研究。Especially at non-design condition, the works of matching and controlling inner para.

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啪啦啪啦舞的舞姿全都是由复杂的手臂运动和手势组成的。It′s all in the complex arm movements and gestures that make up set Para Para motions.

我们公司里确实有好些人没有读完大学,但我们不希望人们辍学。Quite a few of our people didn't finish college, but we discourage dropping out. Para.

他要求我把最好的表现展示出来,对机枪手寄予了非常高的标准。He asked me to put up my best show. He expected very high standards from his para gunners.