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寻找这些击中您的地方在上经销商。Look for these to hit your local Supra dealer.

Lexus与Supra工程项目的首席工程师Katyama-sanchief engineer of Lexus and Supra program, Katyama-san

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不同时距的加工存在最著的差异。The difference was significant between sub- and supra -second intervals.

一般大小,形成和位置在心脏系统的前面和上面。Normal size, shape and position of the supra and infra- tentorial ventricular system.

巩膜上腔麻醉的并发症为球结膜水肿、球结膜下出血。The complications of supra sclera cavity anesthesia were chemosis and subconjunctival hemorrhage.

肝上、肝下下腔静脉均短,肝内下腔静脉下段肝实质较薄。Both the supra -and infra-hepatic IVC were short and the parenchyma surrounding intrahepatic IVC was thin.

我的丰田黑冰事故是无法擦拭的,从而我迅速的更改了驾驶习惯。In my Toyota Supra black ice accident, which I can't erase, I quickly learned to change my driving habits.

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由在上的高上面在一个高档时尚水平,未看见的事上成为了商标和以前甚而竞争。The high tops by Supra have become a trademark and even compete on a high fashion level, something unseen before.

滩涂开发中潮间带利用率低于潮上带,土地资源潜力大。It is higher availability in supra tidal zone than in intertidal zone, and the potential of land resource is high.

同学们将能习得口语英语的超音段音素及改善口语流畅度。Students will be acquainted with the supra -segmental features of spoken English and improve their level of fluency in speaking.

在上位机设计方面,作者利用北京亚控公司组态王6.5软件开发了船舶电力推进教学系统上位机监控部分。In supra side, the author uses zutaiwang6.5 configuration software design the supervision part of the ship electrical propulsion.

采用事件相关电位的方法分析了不同时距加工机制的差异。The aim of the research is to explore the difference of sub-and supra -second interval processing with event-related potentials used.

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我们PLNDR的朋友们在这个假日季里十分忙碌,我们的最爱之一——ThreadSpot长期以来的最爱之一——Supra帆布鞋在进行限时抢购。Our pals at PLNDR were busy this holiday season, and one of our favorite flash sales ran for Supra Sneakers, a long-time ThreadSpot favorite.

美国和英国都呼吁在国家层面上加强金融监管,而法国和德国则在游说更凌驾国家层面之上的监管。The U. S. and the U. K. are calling for tougher financial regulation at the national level, while France and Germany are lobbying in favor of more supra -national regulation.

总体而言,西方人权理论的发展,目前仍未超出“天赋人权”这一基本精神,皆具有唯心性、抽象性、超阶级性、虚伪性等特点。Generally speaking, the development of Western human rights theories falls into the category of the "theory of natural rights", which is ideal, abstract, supra -class and hypocritical.

研究指出,为了避免儿童吃饭过快或过量造成的“超相加效应”,家长应提醒孩子们在进食时细嚼慢咽,并让他们在安静的环境中进食。To counteract the " supra -additive effect" of speedy or glut eating among children prone to obesity, parents should encourage them to eat slowly and in calm surroundings, the study found.

虽然这个蓝色的影子是为数不多的程度与小海白蓝色或晶体蓝,从噩双鞋,它仍然是一个足够近,是个指日可待企图复古的整体。Although the shade of blue was a few degress off from the Hyper Blue or Crystal Blue from the OG pairs, supra shoes, it was still a close enough attempt and was a well-received retro overall.

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插入式耳机,具有隔噪声性能好并能改善贴耳式耳机带来的堵耳效应和耳间效应等不良影响,可作为一种新型的标准耳机在临床测听中应用。Insert earphones, coupled to the ear canal by means of a long plastic tube and soft ear plug are being used for a number of audiometric applications as an alternative to supra aural earphones.