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甲板水手要便携图书解读器来干嘛?。What's a deckhand need with a portable library reader?

阿渔工大声在孩子们和他们挑选的岩石了。A deckhand yelled at the kids and made them pick the rocks up.

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此时,他是一艘前往东京的油轮上的甲板水手。At this time he was working as deckhand on an oil tanker, heading toward Tokyo.

那个甲板船员在殖民地舰队档案室发现了阿达玛家的合影?Which deckhand found the photo of the Adama family in the Colonial Fleet archives?

这个家伙叫做伊安•亨利,他要去牛津读书,趁着有空,也在船上打工。The lucky man was Ian Henry, who was also working as a deckhand before going up to Oxford.

渔民在小船上歌唱着他的拥有,水手在汽艇的甲板上歌唱。The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat, the deckhand singing on the steamboat deck.

船家歌唱着他船里所有的一切,水手在汽艇的甲板上歌唱着。The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat, the deckhand singing on the steamboat deck.

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那时某人被药倒或被绑架做跑船的奴隶水手,就说他被“上海”了。To be Shanghaied meant to be drugged, kidnapped and forced become a captive deckhand on an outbound ship.

公司还完满发布了本季最新的两款的户外风格装备,经典的水手夹克和惊豔的哈德良登山风衣。Completing this latest drop are two incredible outerwear styles, the Deckhand jacket and Hadrian mountain parka.

唯一的渔工问我的自行车,并再次,很明显,他已与此相同的许多乘客每天。The lone deckhand asked me about the bike, and again, it was obvious that he had this same conversation with lots of riders every day.