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这是造爱,亲爱的。It is called sexual intercourse darling.

第二部分为韦庄蜀中交游考。The second part is Wei Zhuang's social intercourse.

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整个交流都是在默默无声中进行的,强烈而又亲密。The whole intercourse was wordless, intense and close.

排卵期过后行房事会怀孕吗?Intercourse after ovulation the line would be pregnant?

注意房事卫生很重要。The attention sexual intercourse health is very important.

两国之间重新建立了友好往来。A friendly intercourse was rebuilt between the two countries.

过犹不及,人际交往最忌失衡。All excess is a failing, but above all in personal intercourse.

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避孕套是性行为中的常用工具。A condom is a device most commonly used during sexual intercourse.

唐代渤海政权与日本隔海相望,往来频繁。Bohai regime of Tang Dynasty had a frequent intercourse with Japan.

他曾就情节较轻的“非法性行为”一项指控认罪。He pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of unlawful sexual intercourse.

在1700年前的秘鲁,异性@肛@交绝不罕见。In Peru 1,700 years ago, hetero-anal intercourse was by no means rare.

你认为BL故事会鼓励青少年进行性行为吗?。Do you think BL stories encourage teenagers to have sexual intercourse ?

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任情却礼的个性活动与交往带来女性生活的自然与自由。Unbinding social intercourse brought about a more natural and free life.

远的两国开始了一种亲睦的邦交。A friendly intercourse is opened between the most remote parts of the world.

前戏结束之后,在交合之前,你应该让她“湿”了。Through foreplay, you need to get her wet before intercourse can take place.

当仁被实现出来时,就已经在社会交往之中了。When Jen came out is implemented, it has been in social intercourse and the.

该杂志成为两民族间文化交流的媒介。The magazine becomes a cultural medium of intercourse between the two peoples.

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英语在国际交往中比德语使用得更为广泛。English is more widespread and more used in international intercourse than German.

宴请是国际交往中最常见的交际活动之一。Fete is one of the comm onest intercourse activities in international association.

而教堂方面也说在安全期是可以有性行为的。And the Catholic church says it's okay to have intercourse during your safe period.