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易货是收入。Barter is income.

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含上面的易货收入。See barter income above.

咱们能不能做一笔易货贸易呢?Can we do a barter trade?

你们可否接受易货贸易呢?Could you accept barter trade?

这还算是直接的易货贸易吗?Is it still a direct barter trade?

让我们从一个以物易物的经济开始。Let us start with a barter economy.

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我们不能拿原则作交易。We cannot barter away our principles.

我们决不拿原则做交易。We will never barter away principles.

此外,诊所还采用了易货体系。Also, the clinic uses a barter system.

物物交换就是用某一种商品换取另一种商品。To barter means to trade goods for goods.

咱们能不能搞一笔以货易货的贸易呢?。Will we be able to conduct a barter trade?

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金属货币时期在我国使用以物易物。Metal currency period in our use of barter.

哦?要交易吗?我的怀表换这个——戒指?Oh, a barter? My pocket watch for this — ring?

以物易物还帮助企业利用闲置的能力来。Barter also helps firms make use of idle capacity.

印第安人愿用海狸毛皮交换武器。The Indians would barter beaver pelts for weapons.

这里什么也买不到,即便是物物交换都不可能。You can’t buy anything here. You can’t even barter.

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清代滇粤“铜盐互易”是一近乎“以货易货”的贸易形式。The exchange of copper and salt was similar to barter.

你可以和其他人做交换来学习个人技能。You may barter with someone to learn a personal skill.

穷人和不太穷的人之间出现了物物交换。Barter has appeared among the poor and the not so poor.