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船被浮藻缠住了。The ship ran afoul of the floating seaweed.

在与亚美尼亚的异教徒冲突中,他以身殉教。He fell afoul with the pagans in Armenia where he was martyred.

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乌姆里奇教授跟我们的那些马人发生了冲突。"Professor Umbridge ran afoul of our centaur herd, " said Dumbledore.

他可能与木星运行相冲突并被抛到了星际空间。It would have run afoul of Jupiter and been chucked into interstellar space.

托洛法官写道,1996年颁布的该法与宪法第十修正案相冲突。Tauro wrote that the 1996 law ran afoul of the Constitution’s Tenth Amendment.

尽管丹增德勒遵循中国政府的法规,他仍在这个系统里惹上麻烦。Tenzin Delek played by the Chinese government’s rules, but still fell afoul of the system.

但最终MEK还是和文职政权发生冲突,并开始和掌权者斗争。But eventually MEK fell afoul of the regime and began to fight the power holders in Tehran.

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一个又一个的中国企业家富豪因与法律的冲突而落马。A string of prominent Chinese entrepreneurs have been jailed after running afoul of the law.

政治家明白如果把太多的主权交出去,他们就得承担与选民意向相冲突的风险。Politicians knew that they risked running afoul of voters if they surrendered too much sovereignty.

以2004年雅典奥运会为例,普华永道的预期受到了选手表现与禁药丑闻的影响。For example, benchmarks for the 2004 Olympics ran afoul of both individual feats and doping scandals.

他们也不想这样...他们也想登广告,但是不可以登,否则会与证交会起冲突It's not their choice--they might like to advertise -but they can't without running afoul of the SEC.

他说他曾问过经理那是否触犯美国法律。Concerned that the transaction might run afoul of U.S. law, Bentu asked his manager about it, he says.

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更重要的是,他补充道,每年他和塜本去找鳗鱼,似乎都要遭遇恶劣天气。What's more, he added, every year that he and Tsukamoto go looking, they seem to run afoul of the elements.

当你的目标与目前的习惯相冲突时,为了实现你的目标你得改变你的习惯。If your goal runs afoul of your current habits, you’ll need to change your habits in order to achieve your goal.

这也使得李岱艾成为最新一家与中国复杂的政治和社会环境相碰撞的国际市场营销公司。It also makes TBWA the latest international marketer to run afoul of China's complex political and social landscape.

许多穿越扩张区域和外环领土的独立货船船长会和多法因发生冲突。Many independent freighter captains traveling through the Expansion and Outer Rim Territories had run afoul of Dofine.

但又恐怕一离开少年法庭,就会失去一个协助触法青少年的管道。But she's afraid that her leaving the court would remove a channel to assist young people who have run afoul of the law.

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与尝试揣摩心思并碰壁不同,您可能必须负起责来并承担与主管发生冲突的风险。Instead of trying to read minds and hitting a brick wall, you may have to take charge and risk running afoul of the suits.

最早建造的燃煤电厂服务年限已经很长,许多已不符合控制传统污染物的清洁空气指导原则。Given the age of the coal fleet, many of the oldest plants also run afoul of clean-air guidelines on traditional pollutants.

虽然山寨手机生产商的运营的确与该国法律相抵触,政府却有着其他考量。While knockoff phone producers are generally running afoul of the country's laws, the government mostly looks the other way.