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跟在他后面的是一个面色灰黄,细长个子的律师。He was followed by a sallow, spindly lawyer.

至少现在衣服盖住了他单薄细长的身体。At least the clothing covered his spindly body for now.

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骨骼太沉重或细长腿都属于严重缺陷。Extremely heavy bone is as much a fault as spindly legs.

他们似乎拥有细长的身体硕大超级发达的头颅。They appeared to have spindly bodies and large overdeveloped heads.

它们看起来细长细长的,而且只有几片小叶子。They've grown all long and spindly , and just have a few small leaves!

它有着细长的外形,高而瘦削的茎梗,之上只有一个头。It was spindly looking with a tall skinny stalk and only one head on it.

修长的奥斯汀7世以及20世都已经是人们喜欢的老爷车。Spindly Austin 7's of the '20s are venerated like doddering old aunties.

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随着二氧化硅含量的增加,纤维直径变细,纺锤形珠节结构增多。With increasing of silica content, fiber diameter became fine and spindly beads increased.

随着二氧化硅含量的增加,直径变细,纺锤形珠节结构增加。With increasing of silica content, fibers diameter became fine and spindly beads increased.

普夫是一个肢体细长的高个生物,瘦长的脖子上顶着一个灯泡似的脑袋。Poof was a tall being with spindly limbs and a long, slender neck which supported a bulbous head.

在星星点缀的空间中,一个巨大的黑洞上方,红色和蓝色面板组成的一条细长的道路蜿蜒伸出。A spindly path of red and blue panels spidered out above nothing but star-studded space and a yawning black hole.

树木被细长的藜类植物取代,它们之间有着如此均匀的间隔,简直像人种下的。The trees gave way to spindly chenopods spaced at such even intervals it almost looked as if men had panted them.

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它拥有细长的纤维像辐条一样从原子顶部凸出并且干涉其结晶。It has spindly fibers that protrude from the atomic vertices like spokes, and they interfere with crystallization.

由六条细长的节肢类的腿支撑着低矮的身体,类人躯干缠绕着大量绷带。Their lower bodies are supported by six spindly arachnid limbs and their heavily bandaged torsos are human in form.

成熟包括功能相关的成型过程。例如,细长的骨骼肌肉细胞。This maturation may include taking on a function-related shape, such as the long, spindly shape of skeletal-muscle cells.

现代计算任务的完成在很大程度上依赖于各种型号、规模和服务的计算机之间无数的互连。Modern computing depends largely on countless, spindly interconnections among machines of all shapes, sizes, and services.

上赛季马格努斯。埃克莱姆还是个小孩子,但现在他长大了。有6尺1寸高,越来越壮。Last season Magnus was just a spindly little lad but he's grown, he's six foot one now and he's getting stronger all the time.

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这种武器十分轻便,以供形体细长的战斗机器人步兵使用。它能装填多类火箭弹弹头。The weapon is lightweight enough to be carried by the spindly battle droid infantry, and can carry rockets of varying payloads.

她们大笑起来,安娜说“你本来不该让你的丈夫进门,更不要说在长椅上倚门陪他了。”They burst out laughing. "You'd never get your husband through the door, let alone balance him on a spindly chair, " snorts Anna.

跳跃着,一边大嗓门地吆喝,督促他的35名同学到室外去晨跑。The spindly 21-year-old is bouncing around, yelling at top volume as he herds his 35 classmates out the door for their morning run.