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他期待着捡点剩余的渣子。Stalin expected to pick up the pieces.

外蒙古是谁把它卖给史太林的?Who sold away Outer Mongolia to Stalin?

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史太林是苏联的第一个统治者。B. Stalin was the first ruler of the USSR.

他执政时期,人们总是对未来抱有坚定的信念。Under Stalin people were confident of the future.

史达林对于历史明显的有着尖锐与近乎苛求的观感。Stalin obviously had an acute and particular sense of history.

反对阵营承认由史达林描绘的党政机构吗?Are the opposition recognizable as members of the same party described by Stalin ?

第三部分剖析苏联社会主义模式形成和破产与科技革命的关系。Part three analyzes the relationship between the formation and bankruptcy of Stalin model.

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来自哥萨克共和国的经济系研究生古娜,寄住在史达林大厦内的学生宿舍。Graduate student Gulia, from the Republic of Kazakhstan, stays in a student dormitory in the Stalin Tower.

你认为他会如何回应关于史达林反富农政策也将会打击到中农的论点?How do you think he would answer Stalin 's argument that anti-kulak policies will also offend middle peasants?

仅在波兰和东普鲁土两地,史达林就投入了一百八十个师的兵力,其中装甲部队所占比例大得惊人。Stalin was throwing in180divisions a surprisingly large part of them armored in poland and east prussia alone.

我们不象有些人那样,丑化史达林,毁灭史达林,而是按照实际情况办事。Unlike some people who have tried to defame and destroy stalin we are acting in accordance with objective reality.

这些移民所具有的唯一共同点只有不宽容、仇外以及在替罪羊身上发泄怒火。Ifthe settlers were connected by anything, it was only the intolerance, scapegoating and xenophobia driven by Stalin.

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小镇位于斑斓太阳岛得中心区内,紧邻景色线,与中心年夜街和斯年夜林公园遥相照应。Beautiful small town located in the core area Cité Soleil, near the scene, with the Central Park Street and Stalin echoed.

1944年奥威尔完成了动物农庄,一部政治寓言,基于俄国革命和史达林的背叛。In 1944 Orwell finished Animal Farm , a political fable based on the story of the Russian Revolution and its betrayal by Joseph Stalin.

史达林更不满美国发展并使用原子弹而却把苏联蒙在鼓里.Stalin resented the fact that the Americans had developed and then used the atomic bomb without letting the Soviet Union know of its existence.