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如果热钱流出和资金非法流出中国,其结果将是严重的。If "hot money" flows reverse and funds illicitly leave China, the consequences could be severe.

据他们交代,他们的非法所得主要用来开房、上网以及买零食。According to their account, their illicitly acquired mainly used to open, Internet and extended.

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三是企图到香港免费治病或打黑工的越南籍人员。The third is an attempt to free medical treatment in Hong Kong or the Vietnamese staff and work illicitly.

基本上每周,地方媒体都会报道哪些人又利用非法手段撵财的新闻。Every week, it seems, the local press has stories about people who have illicitly squirreled away huge sums.

而其他资产由于基本上来自走私非法所得,将交由海关委托拍卖。Because basically from smuggling and other assets illicitly acquired, will be handed over to Customs to auction.

双氯醇胺从1996年起被欧盟禁用,但仍有牛场主违禁使用。Clenbuterol was banned by the European Union in 1996 but it is still administered illicitly by some cattle farmers.

他突然很暧昧的一笑又睡了,早上一问他居然什么都不知道!He then suddenly smiled illicitly and went on sleeping. He knew nothing on the morning second day when I mentioned.

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但是,IOC警告说,应用这种技术不仅不合法,而且实际上对运动员有意想不到的影响。However, apart from using technology illicitly , the technique could actually rebound on the athlete, the IOC warns.

如果这个女人随后被提升了,她的成绩也会被办公室谣传成通过不正当手段获得的。If the woman is subsequently promoted, her achievement will be undermined by office gossip that she earned it illicitly.

但是直到最近,这项规定的执行都不到位,外国人可能在华非法工作很多年而没有被发现。Until recently, though, lax enforcement has meant that foreigners working illicitly have been able to stay undetected for years.

买房人买无证房的钱是否算卖无证房的房地产商的非法所得?Housing undocumented people money to buy homes is a business of selling real estate without a license Housing illicitly acquired?

地区通讯社PortAmur公布了一些照片和一段画面粗糙、质量不高的视频,视频看来是在未经允许的情况下偷拍的。A regional news agency, PortAmur, posted some photographs and a grainy, low-quality video that appeared to have been shot illicitly.

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涂鸦是指在墙壁或者其他公共场所的表面潦草地写或者喷射一些违法的东西。Graffiti is either “writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place”. Or!

因此,这种方式使来源于侵吞或盗窃公有财产的非法所得合法化变得极为容易。Therefore, this approach to stem from the theft or misappropriation of public property illicitly acquired legalization become extremely easy.

书中稍后,又有一群罪犯潜入一栋巨大的四面体建筑内,施放非法取得的军用级奈米。Later in the book a group of criminals who have infiltrated a huge tetrahedral building make use of some illicitly obtained MGN—military-grade nano.

她还暗示双子塔之所以被摧毁是因为它们是过时了的“money-suckers”,不法毁楼比拆屋重建耗资更多。She also suggested the twin towers were destroyed because they were outdated "money-suckers" that would've cost more to pull down that to illicitly destroy.

第二十七条基金会的财产及其他收入受法律保护,任何单位和个人不得私分、侵占、挪用。Article 27 The properties and other income of funds are protected by law and shall not be illicitly distributed, seized or embezzled among any units or individuals.

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上周因非法进入被软禁的缅甸领袖昂山素季家中而被监禁的美国男子约翰·耶托被载往泰国医院。The American man, John Yettaw, who was jailed in Burma last week for illicitly visiting the detained pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi has been flown to hospital in Thailand.

事实婚姻符合婚姻的实质条件,有着婚姻的内核,因此其区别于非法同居、非婚同居、姘居、重婚等相似的概念。So it is different from a illicit cohabitation, a unmarried cohabitation, a cohabitation that the married man and woman live illicitly as husband and wife, a bigamy and so on similar concept.

华东江苏省海门教区上周祝圣五位执事为神父,其中三人来自三个月前发生非法祝圣主教的华南广东省汕头教区。The bishop of Haimen diocese last week ordained five new priests, including three from Shantou diocese, where Father Joseph Huang Bingzhang was illicitly consecrated as a bishop three months ago.