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你们有卖甘燥的百里香吗?Do you sell dried thyme ?

百里香风铃草上的蜜蜂。The bees on the bells of thyme.

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芜荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香。Parsley sage, rosemary and thyme.

用百里香束做好装饰。Garnish with the bunches of thyme.

芸香和百里香,一个花园里长。Rue and thyme grow both in one garden.

去掉肉桂,百里香和月桂树叶。Discard the cinnamon, thyme and bay leaves.

之后加入少许切碎的百里香,搅拌均匀。Add chopped thyme into the marinate and mix well.

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那里薰衣草、芝麻花、迷迭香和百里香。There lavender, sesame flower, rosemary and thyme.

杰洛特首次遇见他是在迷迭香和百里香外面。Geralt first meets him outside the Rosemary and Thyme.

当我遇到她时,她正在田里丰收百里香。When I met her she was in the fields harvesting thyme.

轻切海鲈鱼柳并加百里香调味。Score sea bass fillets gently &season with chopped thyme.

加入鸡汤,红酒,月桂叶,百里香和巴西里。Add the chicken stock, red wine, bay leaves, parsley, thyme.

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用百里香茎、完整的栗子波特酒汁做装饰。Decorate with thyme sprigs, whole chestnut and port wine jus.

在碗中放入柠檬汁、盐、胡椒与柠檬百里香。In a bowl, place the lemon juice, salt, pepper and lemon thyme.

把煮好的汤放在一边,冷却,同时取出月桂叶和百里香。Leave the soup to cool, and then remove the bay leaf and thyme.

醉鱼草和百里香有机瑞士有助于保护皮肤。Organic buddleja and thyme from Switzerland help protect the skin.

用锋利的小刀在法国洋葱,百里香鸡食谱。Use a sharp knife to cut onions and thyme in a French Chicken recipe.

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同样的,鼠尾草、萝、至、璃苣、菊和各种百里香也都如此。So do sage, dill, oregano, borage , chamomile and several kinds of thyme.

然后放入蒜和葱,并在鸡块上撒上百里香。Then throw in the garlic and scallions and sprinkle the thyme over the chicken.

添加磨碎的苹果、新鲜的鼠尾草以及百里香,以提高汉堡的膳食纤维含量并改善风味。Then, to boost the fiber and flavor, add grated apples, as well as fresh sage and thyme.