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他将她从记忆中抹掉。He razed her from his remembrance.

那些纪念日罂粟花如是说。Those Remembrance Day poppies say it all.

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但她对美德的怀想是这样亲切。Yet is remembrance of those virtues dear.

求您收下吧,今天是我母亲的祭日。This is a day of remembrance of my mother.

一回忆起来他就欣喜震颤。He thrilled deliciously at the remembrance.

它勾起我一段美好的回忆。It was for me a prod to a fond remembrance.

兴趣及持续不移的回忆是先决条件。Interest there must be and steady remembrance.

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“得生活下去。回忆是上岁数人的事,”他曾经说道。"Seek to live. Remembrance is for the old, " he said.

那些仓皇飞走的鸟群究竟带走了谁的思念。Brand fled and left who actually took away the remembrance.

真的,我替你作了什么,值得你的忆念?Indeed, what had I done for thee to keep me in remembrance?

“回忆是灵魂的香水,”乔治桑如此写道。"The perfume of the soul is remembrance", wrote George Sand.

国殇纪念日的象征是一个红色的花朵名叫罂粟。The symbol of Remembrance Day id a red flower called a poppy.

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不过她在他身上看不出他有记得的迹象,也就放心了。But it passed away when she found no sign of remembrance in him.

让我们以忆念神来圣化相遇的那一刹那。Let the moment of meeting be sanctified by the remembrance of God.

蝴蝶和飞蛾保留着生物性转化的记忆。Butterfly and Moth hold the remembrance of biological transmutation.

矗立着的纪念碑是对战争中死难者的纪念。The cenotaph stands as a remembrance of those killed during the war.

今天,许多花圈是由罗斯玛丽的象征悼念。Today, many wreaths are made from Rosemary as a symbol of remembrance.

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他说,这个缅怀亡灵的日子充满了哀伤和无尽的骄傲。He said the day of remembrance is mixed with sorrow and incredible pride.

一些国家把这一天视为休战纪念日或荣军纪念日。Some countries observe November 11th as Armistice Day or Remembrance Day.

伤痛的记忆仍然留在数百万同胞的内心中。The remembrance rankles still in the bosoms of millions of the countrymen.