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苍鹭是一家时髦的公寓。A stylish lodging-house.

擦了防晒油的脸不漂亮。A sunburned face is not stylish.

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选择兿·蕴,尊显时尚浪尖的品味!Choose Yeewin to show your stylish taste!

时髦的外观及四面保护设计。Stylish and four-sided protection design.

使用烟草既不时尚也不强身。Tobacco use is not stylish or empowering.

菲菲拉平兔子是一个非常时髦。Fifi Lapin is an extremely stylish rabbit.

但是它必须坚固耐用的气派。It must be sturdy and durable yet stylish.

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我要学就学哈萨克族最有特色的刺绣。I'd rather learn the stylish Kazak embroidery.

完美时尚外观,超薄设计。Perfect stylish appearance, ultra-thin design.

你是一个时尚的后室或宽敞的套房?Are you after a stylish room or spacious suite?

酒店拥有时尚的酒吧和餐厅。The Ulises Hotel has a stylish bar and restaurant.

这件衬衫看起来很时髦,而且不会很贵。This shirt is very stylish and not very expensive.

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这件时髦的毛衣是由一位年轻的编织者所编织的。This stylish sweater was knitted by a young knitter.

而华丽斯则时髦且鲜明,恍惚带着几分轻浮。Stylish and sharp, Wallis had a vaguely raffish edge.

莱拉袋已成为我们迄今为止最时尚的包包。The Layla Bag has to be our most stylish bag to date.

这款有个性的悬浮平台床由霍尔格·威斯曼设计。Stylish floating platform bed designed by Holger Wissmann.

口才好、文采好是最没有竞争力的。Eloquence is good, stylish writing is the least competitive.

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永远令人痛苦地挂着一副目中无人的时髦相?Painfully stylish with a permanent snooty look on their face?

小劳勃道尼回来了,显然还戴了一顶时髦的软呢帽。Robert Downey, Jr. is back, with a stylish fedora apparently.

技术咨询方案是一个时尚的舞步时使用的莎莎舞。The tap is a stylish dance move to use when dancing the Salsa.