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这个虫子慢慢地爬来。The worm inched along.

这条虫子向前慢慢移动着。The worm inched along.

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雨水一点点儿地漫上了台阶。The rain inched its way up the steps.

我蹑手蹑脚的朝屋门走过去,这个声音又发出了一次。I inched my way toward the door and heard it again.

与此同时,塞里特沿着汽车一点一点地靠近了史蒂芬。Meanwhile, Seret had inched along the car toward Stephen.

啤酒和葡萄酒的销量在过去几年里节节升高。Beer and wine sales have inched up as well over the last few years.

其后业务开始小幅提升直到1995年收购了第一个大客户。The business inched along until acquiring its first major account in 1995.

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没有什么可以值得一本,我还以为我微升公路沿线的危险。Nothing could be worth this, I thought as I inched along the perilous highway.

当一楼外墙塌陷时水慢慢地沿着台阶漫了上来。Water inched its way up the steps as first as first-floor outside walls collapsed.

他把手指嵌入窗户的密封垫,缓慢地向车头运动。Digging his fingernails into the rubble window seals, he inched his way toward the front.

美国人的预期寿命比以前的记录,2004年的77.8岁稍微有所增加,达到77.9岁。U. S. life expectancy inched up to 77.9 from the previous record, 77.8, recorded for 2004.

虽然音乐让我觉得稍稍安慰一点,真实的病痛还是将我拉回了现实。Even as the music inched me toward comfort, the reality of pain anchored me in the present.

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哈罗德蹒跚着走到一张空着的长凳旁坐下,慢慢从口袋里抽出奎妮的信,然后打开。Harold hobbled to an empty bench, inched Queenie's letter from his pocket, and unfolded it.

今天,这种性别的差距已经被扭转,男性幸福指数高涨,而女性幸福感已然下降。Today, that gender gap has reversed. Male happiness has inched up, and female happiness has dropped.

当他在拐弯微幅,他在后视镜看到镜子里的人对车运行群。As he inched around a curve, he saw in his rearview mirror a swarm of people running toward the truck.

虽然这次飞行只持续了10分钟,但这次测试使单人飞行器离我们的生活更近了。While this flight lasted only 10 minutes, it was a test that inched jetpacks ever closer to our garages.

我向前开了一点,抱着必死的信念挂了倒车档,但随即就听到了那撕心裂肺的擦刮声。I inched forward, engaged the reverse gear in a last ditch despair, and heard the heart wrenching scrape.

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双方表示两国在朝鲜和伊朗等问题上有共识,但并未就美在东欧部署导弹防御问题达成一致。They stood united on issues like Iran and North Korea, yet inched no closer on the missile defense issue.

另外,新加坡紧随香港之后,在亚洲最昂贵城市中排名第八,世界第42位。Singapore, on the other hand, inched up right behind Hong Kong, ranking No. 8 in Asia and No. 42 world-wide.

他缓缓起身,一寸一寸搜索着地面,找到电筒所在拿起了它。He got up slowly and, with his eyes on the floor, inched to where the flashlight had fallen and picked it up.