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不会开怀畅饮,不穿俱乐部球衣,不戴防水球帽,或者金项链。No beer guts, replica jerseys, Burberry ball caps, or gold chains.

新娘穿的是华裔设计师王薇薇设计的婚纱,新郎穿的是博柏利的礼服。The bride wore a dress by Vera Wang, while the groom wore a tuxedo from Burberry.

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她是巴宝丽的代言人,与“时尚大帝”卡尔是“忘年交”。She is the spokesperson of Burberry and gets on well with fashion leader Karl Largerfield.

1856年,托马斯·博柏利在伦敦附创建了一间集古典和传统于一身的时装店。Burberry is a classic, traditional fashion house founded by Thomas Burberry near London in 1856.

不满足于仅仅抛弃其顽固的形象于货架上,Burberry还在数码科技上变得更加精明。Not content simply to jettison its stodgy image on the racks, Burberry has also been digitally savvy.

09年9月,艾玛和格温妮丝·帕特洛齐齐坐在巴百利时尚秀的前排,不久后她就成为全新的代言人咯。In September of 2009, Emma and Gwyneth Paltrow sat front row for the Burberry show at London Fashion Week.

即便让我扯谎、去偷、去骗、去杀人,上帝作证,我再也不要受饿了。If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill, as God as my witness, burberry apparel, I'll never be hungry again!

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2009年9月伦敦时装周,艾玛穿了这件令人过目不忘的金色迷你裙出席Burberry时装秀。At London Fashion Week in September 2009, Emma attended the Burberry show in this jaw-dropping golden mini dress.

Burberry于九月即时现场跟进现场走秀产品,允许顾客可以通过其之前建好的iPad商店立刻订购走秀产品。In September, Burberry live-streamed its catwalk show and allowed customers to instantly order runway items via iPads it had set up in stores.

除了纸袋之外,王雪生也卖一些纸盒和丝带,上面都印着各式各样的奢侈品商标,例如爱马仕、路易•威登、香奈儿、普拉达以及博柏利。Wang sells paper bags as well as paper boxes and ribbons featuring a wide rage of luxury brands such as Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Prada and Burberry.

又译作博柏利、芭宝莉,英伦式优雅的典型代表,在中国的高尔夫球场上、高尚人士的酒会中,随处可见其经典的条纹/方格标记。Burberry is a typical representative of England-style elegance. Among Chinese golf courses and noble people's parties, the classic stripes tag can be easily found.

我们同样期待本月末这场时装界看中的塑料眼镜流行趋势的发布,想看看这种风尚是否打上了帛柏丽的烙印。We also look forward to shots of the cream of the fashion world donning plastic glasses at the end of this month and wonder if the shades will be Burberry branded.

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艾玛·沃特森不光在电影“哈利波特”里受人瞩目,同时也是红地毯上的神话。Besides starring as Hermione in the “Harry Potter” films, Watson is magic on the red carpet, wearing looks from designers like Karl Lagerfeld, Carven, and, her favorite, Burberry.

Burberry现在每月补充其股票,并在四月推出一系列限量服装配饰,这些服装配饰从设计到上架共花费了三个月的时间。Burberry Group Plc is now able to replenish stock monthly and in April introduced a limited-edition range of apparel and accessories, which went from design to store in three months.

今年年初,艾玛穿着这件Burberry斜肩晚礼裙出席纽约时装学院庆典,凭借非对称剪裁和大量褶皱花边,让艾玛万里挑一!Earlier this year, Emma wore this one-shoulder Burberry dress to a NYC Costume Institute Gala. With an asymmetrical cut and lots of ruffles, this is one of our favourite of Emma’s looks.

时装秀将于2月23号在伦敦切尔西艺术学院举行,但帛柏丽自称是用高清3D全球同步转播时装秀的第一品牌。The show will take place at The Chelsea College of Art in London on February 23 but Burberry claims it is the first brand to use an HD3D transmission to simultaneously show an event globally.

BURBERRY英国伦敦系列,经典的骑士格纹,优雅中不失时尚感,简单大方的设计,不论是休閒逛街或是工作时的随身包,都非常的适合!BURBERRY London series, classic knight case grain, elegant in do not lose fashionable sense, simple and easy design, whether leisure shopping or in the job carry-on bag, are very suitable for!