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埃菲尔铁塔始建于十九世纪。It's built in the nineteenth century.

他是十九世纪伟大的演奏家中的第一个。He was the great nineteenth century virtuosos.

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滑铁卢是十九世纪的关键。Waterloo is the hinge of the nineteenth century.

第十九是毗他希雅,第二十是以西结。The nineteenth to Pethahiah, the twentieth to Jehezekel.

这些东西都是在19世纪发明的。So, all those things developed in the nineteenth century.

十九世纪初,人们并不使用邮票。In the early nineteenth century, people did mot use stamps.

而且在19世纪打字机也被发明了出来。Also, in the nineteenth century, the typewriter was invented.

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在十九世纪,有许多关于人种的讨论In the nineteenth century, there was a lot of talk about races.

这座古刹是在19世纪初期重建的。The old temple was restored during the early nineteenth century.

鲁瑟福特·B·海耶斯是第19任美国总统。Rutherford B. Hayes was the nineteenth President of the United States.

科学社会主义创始于19世纪中叶。Scientific socialism originated in the middle of the nineteenth century.

叶芝有很长一段时间,其实是从19世纪后期开始。Yeats has a long career, really beginning in the late nineteenth century.

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世纪末的一个主要发明就是圣代冰淇淋。A major invention of the late nineteenth century was the ice cream sundae.

奇切斯特沿着十九世纪大型三桅帆船的航线航行。Chichester followed the route of the great nineteenth century clipper ships.

到十九世纪末叶,瞄准望远镜被开发出来了。Toward the end of the nineteenth century, the sight telescope was developed.

年第十九届中国电子元件百强排名第五十三位。List 53th in the nineteenth member of 100 tops of Chinese Electronic Components.

在十九世纪,银行得以发展,并巩固了它的实力And the evolution of banking in the nineteenth century further consolidates power.

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直到十九世纪,沙皇仍然在想方设法争夺黑海In the nineteenth century the Russian czars are still trying to get there as well.

因为在十九世纪,他对阶层化提出恢宏的构想。For in the nineteenth century he developed a grandiose conception of stratification.

他仿佛恶劣不堪,从十九世纪的道德观念来看,确也如此。He seems hideous, and so he is, in the presence of the moral idea of the nineteenth.