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他们在萨里郡拥有一鹰具400年历史的庄园。They own a400-year-old manor house in surrey.

萨里铁路虽然已停运很久,但仍然有迹可寻。Traces still remain of the long-defunct Surrey Iron Railway.

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这些都不符合我们所知道的北萨里郡及女贞路。These do not match with north surrey and privet drive as we know it.

而无法脱身的卢伊萨只好让卡白白等了她一个晚上。And never get out to let the rugh in surrey waited her a card at night.

我们的“哈利波特世界”之旅,和其他书一样,开始于萨里郡。Our tour of the Harry Potter universe, like every book, begins in Surrey.

我想看看萨里和苏塞克斯的一些小乡村。I want to have a look at some of the countryside down in Surrey and in Sussex.

三岁时全家前往英国居住。The family relocated to England when he was three, and he was raised in Surrey.

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就像我已经说的,萨里郡的小区都是在20世纪兴建起来的。As has been said, the development of the Surrey suburbs took place in the 20th Century.

切尔西已经正式披露了他们在萨里郡科巴姆的先进的练习中心。Chelsea have unveiled their new state-of-the-art training headquarters in Cobham, Surrey.

2005年,在因为攻击自己的伙伴而被判有罪后,她就被送到了位于萨里郡的Downview,女子监狱。Convicted of assaulting her partner in 2005, she was sent to Downview, a women's prison in Surrey.

如有损失时,须经台北山姆逊公司检定,并在台北索赔。In the event of damage, to be surveyed by Samson Surrey Co. Tai Pei and claims payable at Tai Pei.

当时,我与大儿子一起从板球比赛归来,这场12岁以下年龄组比赛由萨里县对阵埃塞克斯县。My oldest son and I were returning from an under-12 county cricket match between Surrey and Essex.

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在灾难的折磨下,他携家带口来到萨利郡的一处乡间静居霍庄园。Overwhelmed by the catastrophe, he retired with his family to Hoe Farm, a country retreat in Surrey.

1622年发明计算尺的英国数学家威廉·奥特雷德在萨里郡奥尔伯里逝世。William Oughtred, English mathematician who invented the slide rule in 1622, died at Albury in Surrey.

在第五本书开头的第一节里,一场萨里郡的旱灾促使了浇水管禁令的颁布。As the first chapter of book five begins, there is a drought in Surrey which has prompted a hosepipe ban.

英国前首相温斯顿·丘吉尔绘制过一幅油画,名为“萨里郡的温德尔沙姆庄园”。Former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill had drawn a painting, called "Windlesham, Surrey estate."

设置中低速的车道的热点地带,包括A3萨里和新罕布什尔州和首都之间的主要公路。Hot-spots for low middle lane hogs include the main A3 road between Surrey and Hampshire and the capital.

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萨里空间中心的科研小组表示,这种技术也可以被应用到更大的卫星上,甚至是火箭推进器上来。The Surrey Space Centre team says the concept could be fitted to larger satellites and even rocket stages.

英国哥伦比亚的萨里郡白石镇的迪安娜`斯科特是听取马尔特呈述词之一的人。Deanna Scott of White Rock, Surrey in British Columbia is one of the people listening to Mallett's presentation.

他的双手抚摸她的腰,温温暖暖,飘然落下,他缓缓离开回去把马车牵放到库房里。His hands caressed her waist gently before they fell and he moved slowly back to take the surrey on to the barn.