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他接纳被遗弃者。He embraced the outcast.

乔,过去你是个弃儿。Jon, you were Outcast once.

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他象恶棍一样到处想剥头皮。He looks for scalps like an outcast.

我的一生都是在受人排斥的。I have been an outcast my entire life.

有时你会觉得自己无家可归。Sometimes you’ll feel like an outcast.

你的角色是?蹏者还是放逐者?Is your character patriotic or a social outcast?

珠儿生来便是那婴孩天地的弃儿。Pearl was a born outcast of the infantile world.

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你的爱情将使他成为一个流浪汉和一个乞丐。Your love will make him an outcast and a beggar.

你没有憔悴不堪,流落在异乡人中间吗?And you are not a pining outcast amongst strangers?

跟弃儿说话的,他也要给赶出去当弃儿。The gull who speaks to an Outcast is himself Outcast.

我也没有群,我是个弃儿,我们现在是在大山风之顶飞行。I am Outcast. And we fly now at the peak of the Great Mountain Wind.

可幸的是,关于被他的同事排斥在外的担忧一直没有实现。Fears that he would be an outcast among his colleagues never materialized.

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这是一首献给那些自认为是社会异类的人的颂歌。The song is an ode to anyone who sees themselves as an outcast of society.

在部落的成员中,丢失班萨的人被认为是不完整的个体,也是流浪者。A tribe member who has lost his bantha is considered incomplete and an outcast.

首先,克拉拉告诉他,她不能嫁给他,因为她是一个大须排斥。First, Clara tells him that she cannot marry him because she is an osu, an outcast.

利物浦遗弃门将伊坦杰将会租借到西班牙希洪度过他漫长的赛季。Liverpool outcast Charles Itandje is wanted by Sporting Gijon on a season-long loan.

但在你的国家遭遇不测的时候,有时候这些边缘人能摇身一变成为救赎者。But when your country is facing an emergency, outcast can sometimes turn into saviours.

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吹嘘自己,蔑视他人,因骄傲反显渺小,应该知道这种人是无种姓者。Whosoever debased by his pride, exalts himself and belittles other — know him as an outcast.

对于天文学家来说,半人马座欧米茄已久的球状星团之一弃儿。For astronomers, Omega Centauri has been an outcast amongst globular clusters for a long time.

伯明翰主教练阿历克斯-麦克莱什第三次向利物浦遗弃之人巴贝尔报价。Birmingham boss Alex McLeish has gone back with a THIRD offer for Liverpool outcast Ryan Babel.