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第一个是邻近性。One is proximity.

这是一个邻近度和程度问题。It is a question of proximity and degree.

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近程传感器右击使用接触传感器。Proximity sensor. Right-click for touch sensor.

所占的优势也仅仅是近水楼台而已。Share the advantages of proximity is only just.

血源相近,在婚姻中是要避免的。Proximity of blood is to be avoided in marriage.

根据该列表,我们能推论短语和近似度。From this, we could deduce phrases and proximity.

达尔文市的魅力一部分在于它靠近亚洲。Part of the attraction is Darwin's proximity to Asia.

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这种新款的平板电脑也没有接近传感器。The new tablet computer also lacks a proximity sensor.

因为两个亚单元并不相互接近。Because the sub-units aren't in proximity to each other.

她靠她身处险境才证明了她的无辜。Her innocence is proven only by her proximity to danger.

簧开关打开时,磁铁从接近删除。Reed switch opens when magnet is removed from proximity.

法律规定禁止近亲结婚。Marriages in proximity of blood are forbidden by the law.

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闻香中,感觉有点近水楼台先得香意趣。Smells, you will feel a bit fragrant charm proximity basis.

有时往一家好的素食餐馆大吃一顿犒劳自己。Of course, proximity to great vegan restaurants was a bonus.

沃巴什大道是历史和现代正确的结合。Wabash Avenue brought the right mix of history and proximity.

近距离会使摄影主体给你不同的感受力。Proximity will make the subject strike you in a different way.

最后她才纡贵屈尊地表示出她注意到他在旁边。She at last condescended to evince awareness of his proximity.

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每个人应承担的责任是否应当根据权力的大小或是亲近与否来划分呢?Should blame be portioned out according to power--or proximity?

多元化的社会要求诸种宗教的共同存在。Pluralistic societies require religions to coexist in proximity.

背靠大海,相约来这里照相的情侣们是欢跃的。Proximity to the sea, similar to photography lovers here is Viiv.