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你的脑袋又是几GHz的呢?How many GHz is your brain?

这种合成器的最高频率可达26.5吉赫。This synthesizer of the highest frequency of up to 26.5 GHz.

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光二极管单独的射频带宽分别为10、15、20或40GHz。The individual RF bandwidth of the photodiodes is 10, 15, 20, or 40 GHz.

本文叙述用荷兰威斯特堡3公里基线射电望远镜对射电星系3C390.3进行的0.6京赫射电观测。Observations of the radio galaxy 3C390.3 made with the 3Km WSRT at 0.6 GHz are presented.

此外,在第一季度到2008年将出现布里斯本同类型的一个频率超过2.9千兆赫。Furthermore, in the first quarter 2008 will appear the brisbane model with a frequency more than 2.9 GHz.

您何不看看这一台?它的硬盘为120兆,2兆的内存,和2.2兆赫兹的酷睿双核处理器。Why don't you take a look at this one? It has 120GB hard drive, 2GB installed RAM, and 2.2 GHz Core 2 Duo processor.

本文介绍一种用矩形波导型六端口反射计快速测量材料介质特性参数的测试系统。A rectangular waveguide type Six-port reflectometer worked in 8-12 GHz and coutrolled with a microcomputeris presented.

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由于采用折射率高的氟里昂气体进行气压调谐,调谐范围可达550千兆赫。As the pressure tuning is carried out by freon with high refractive index, the tuning range can be expanded to 550 GHz.

这款产品搭载了1.4GHz双核处理器,前后分别配备了一个200万像素和800万像素的高清摄像头,拥有16G的存储空间。The Note packs a 1.4 GHz dual-core processor, an 8-megapixel rear camera, a 2-megapixel front camera and 16 GB of storage.

它搭载了安卓2.3操作系统,一颗主频为1GHz的处理器,512MB内存和300万相素的摄相头。It comes loaded with the Android 2.3 operating system, a 1 GHz processor, 512 MB of RAM and a 3-megapixel camera on the back.

我们提出了一个在热腔中产生多原子GHZ态的方法来检验量子非定域性。We propose a scheme for generating maximally entangled multiatom GHZ states in a thermal cavity for testing quantum nonlocality.

但出乎意料的是,ARCADE发现了额外的微弱的电磁波,其峰值出现在3和8千兆赫范围。But to the surprise of everyone, ARCADE found an excess hiss of lower-frequency radio waves, peaking in the 3 and 8 GHz detectors.

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在602~720GHz频率范围内,氮化铝具有更好的均匀性、更高的灵敏度和良好的性能。An aluminium nitride layer proves to be much more homogeneous and its sensitivity, in the 602 to 720 GHz range, is also much improved.

该方案利用三个二粒子纠缠态作为量子信道,并考虑了量子信道为最大纠缠态的情况,实现三粒子纠缠GHZ态的量子隐形传输。Taking three two-particle maximally entangled states as quantum channels, so the teleportation of three-particle entangled GHZ state can be realized.

惠普8902a测量接收机,与惠普11793a,罪状射频信号至26.5千兆赫10赫兹决议和优良的长期频率稳定度。The HP 8902A measuring receiver, with the HP 11793A, counts RF signals to 26.5 GHz with 10 Hz resolution and excellent long-term frequency stability.

建立了量子身份认证模型,同时提出了一种基于四粒子GHZ态的量子相干性的身份认证方案。The model of quantum identification was established, and an identification scheme was presented on the basis of the coherency of the four-particle GHZ state.

当我们听到智能手机在网页阅读上的性能提升时,其焦点往往在于4G网络或1GHz主频的Snapdragon处理器。When we hear about improvements in reading web pages on your smart phone, the focus is usually on features like a 4G network uplink or a 1 GHz Snapdragon processor.

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利用仅由两个光栅和一个共振反射器组成的激光腔,就能得到线宽为1.3千兆赫的由N_2激光泵浦的染料激光。By using a laser cavity which consists of only two gratings and a resonant reflector, a N2-laser-pumped dye laser with a spectral linewidth of 1.3 GHz has been made.

基于绝热过程,仅需一个真空腔即可分别实现未知单原子态、双原子纠缠态及GHZ态的转移。Based on adiabatic passage, transfers of an unknown state of one atom, entangled state of two-atom and GHZ state are realized, where only one vacuum-cavity is needed.

这个量子密钥传输协议在通信节点和控制中心之间通过多个GHZ对构建安全的密码分配系统。The quantum communication network marries a variety of GHZ states to well establish the secure key distribution system employed in conjunction with the nodes and control centers.