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我在比赛之后将听取报告你。I'll debrief you after the game.

当他们听取你的汇报时,那就是你要讲述的故事。When they debrief you, that's the story you'll tell.

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我们起飞,下飞机,然后直接去了汇报。We flew, got off the plane and went straight into debrief.

然后我们将会解释它们的意思和怎么在汇报中用这些搭配。Then we'll explain what they mean and how to use them in the debrief.

要仔细听,我们会解释他们的意思和用法。Listen out for them and we’ll explain what they mean and how to use them in the debrief.

当他被问及指令时,他只是说那是废话。你怎么看待?Q. He was asked about the debrief and just said, blah, blah, blah. What do you make of that?

特工保罗逊继续向这母女讯问信息,但疲惫的泰瑞失去了注意力。Agent Paulson continues to debrief the women, but Teri’s exhaustion causes her to lose focus.

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听录音时,考虑以下的问题,我们在听取汇报时会检查答案。As you listen, consider the following questions. Then we’ll examine the answers in the debrief.

杰克问尼娜为何没有完成盘问情报的工作,尼娜还未来得及回答就被别人叫走了。Jack questions why Nina didn’t finish the debrief but she gets called away before she can answer.

当然,我们会重温这些习语,同时你会有机会来练习使用它们。Of course, we’ll go over all of them in the debrief and you’ll have a chance to practice them, too.

格林走进审讯室盘问杰克,作为合作,杰克要求与他的老婆和女儿通电话。Green comes in to debrief Jack, and he asks to phone his wife and daughter in return for his cooperation.

我喜欢采用“同伴分享”的方式,这样大家得以与房间内的其他人互相汇报情况。I tend to do a lot of "share pairs" where people get a chance to do a debrief with someone else in the room.

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查尔斯库珀与安全记者CNET科技资讯会谈CNET新闻每天的总结得到充分的独家新闻。Charles Cooper talks with security reporter Elinor Mills on the CNET News Daily Debrief to get the full scoop.

更重要的是,书中还包含了培训师可以用来反映和讨论的简要问题。More importantly, it contains debrief questions which the trainers can use to induce reflection and discussion.

原型机包括机载使用仪器、地面站规划和听取飞行员汇报的软件系统。The prototypes include airborne instrumentation, ground station planning and software systems to debrief pilots.

将这些表达记下来,我们会在汇报中来复习这些短语并解释其意思和用法。Keep a note of these expressions and we’ll go over them in the debrief and explain what they mean and how they can be used.

因此你同意今天下午四点和我们会面,然后基于我们的会谈再确定多久听取我们汇报任务执行情况较为合适?So you agree to meet with me at 4pm today and based on our conversation determine how frequently it's appropriate for us to debrief?

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听对话时,要将这些词的搭配选出来,我们会解释短语的意思和用法。As you listen, try to pick out these natural combinations of words. Then we’ll explain what they mean and how to use them in the debrief.

在开车中,我得到了一个小小的汇报,她说她肯定是发昏了,要不然不会如此快的到热水浴旅馆这种地方。During the drive I have a little debrief , and she said that it must have took some balls to take her to the hot tub place so soon like that.

只要他们没有影响到自己父母的退休计划,我不反对他们在高中或者大学毕业之后休息两年什么也不干。I’m not opposed to taking a year or two off to debrief after high school or college, provided it doesn’t cut into a parent’s retirement plans.