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法官举止必须要庄严。A judge should comport himself authoritatively.

接着你非常心平气和地却又命令式地说“停下”。Then you very calmly, yet authoritatively say "Stop."

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他的书对战争与和平作了权威性的论述。His book authoritatively discourses upon war and peace.

“我中风了,”马宏升对医生说。"Look, I'm having a stroke, " Maloney told the doctor authoritatively.

在间谍战如火如荼的时候,不可能写出关于它的权威著作。During the spy war it was impossible to write authoritatively about it.

这些动词共有的中心意思的。明确和权威地阐述。The central meaning shared by these verbs is . to set forth expressly and authoritatively.

法律的标志是人人都必须遵守权威机构认定的行为规则。The hallmark of law is the obligation to act in line with norms authoritatively determined.

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香港化粧品同业协会目前是本港最有代表性的业界协会。Association of Hong Kong Ltd is vastly and authoritatively representing members of the industry.

香港化粧品同业协会目前是本港最有代表性的业界协会。The Cosmetics & Perfumery Association of Hong Kong Ltd is vastly and authoritatively representing members of the industry.

任何人都能写爵士音乐节上表演的音乐,可很少有人能权威地写出需要什么必需条件,才能成功地举办一次音乐节。Anyone can write about the music played at a jazz festival. Very few people can write authoritatively about what it takes to run one.

圣经既是神默示的话,为基督作权威的见证,理当是绝对无谬的和绝对无误的。Holy Scripture, as the inspired Word of God witnessing authoritatively to Jesus Christ, may properly be called infallible and inerrant.

曾经对各部门进行过一次具有决定性的权威调查,无可争辩,奖金支付金额都是很适度的。The survey did once and for all establish definitively and authoritatively and beyond question the proper and appropriate prize payout.

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对这部分权利也应当纳入司法救济的范围,通过公正、透明、权威的司法程序而予以最终的救济和保障。These kinds of rights should be channeled into judicial relief and guaranteed by judicial procedures fairly, transparently and authoritatively.

具体来说,要规范化现有的对主题有权威定义的术语表、概念或参考题目,可以添加进这段特殊小节。In particular, to formalize an existing glossary, concept, or reference topic that authoritatively defines a subject, you can add the specialized section.

如果在您购买汽车之前得到经验丰富的技工提供汽车检查测试,并告诉您哪辆最好,这能不帮助您吗?If China's most knowledgeable mechanic offered to examine cars with you before you bought one, telling you authoritatively what's best, how might this help you?

融入国际检测认证体系,树立卓时权威认证品牌,我们愿与中国电子企业一道共同发展、进步。Incorporate world testing approval system, made Timeway brand authoritatively. We will make more development and progress with the electronic enterprise in China.

中国什么时候成为印度的一部分了?这个标题给人一种印象,即我们是在以命令的口气警告中国,类似中央对地方的命令。When did china became a part of India? the headline gives an impression as if we have authoritatively warned china as center passes orders to the states in India.

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然而,你若选择以你自己有限的本事去推理、思索、下结论或作决定,表面上好似活得当家作主,实际上你被困在梦境里。And when you are choosing for your own limited capacity to reason and think and come to conclusions and make decisions , and apparently act authoritatively , you are bound in a dream of existence.