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承认你的信仰!Confess your faith!

首先你得承认你会这样做。First confess you do it.

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我有事要坦白。I have something to confess.

好的,我先承认一个嗜好。OK, I'll confess a weakness.

我承认我成为了一个政妓。I confess I became a courtesan.

劝诫她招认真情吧!Exhort her to confess the truth!

我必须向你坦白一些事情。I must confess something to you.

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坦率地说,我简直要翻胃。I confess to a disturbed stomach.

我承认曾听说过这件事。I confess to having heard about it.

不要承认过去的不忠。Never confess to past infidelities.

大多数人都承认记性差。Most people confess to a bad memory.

履行你的责任,承认它。Your responsibility it to confess it.

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好吧,我承认,我是瘾君子。O.K., I confess. I might be an addict.

我必须承认我现在智穷计尽了。I must confess that I'm at my wit's end.

我坦白承认,我跟你一样疯疯癫癫。I freely confess I'm as dotty as you are.

大多数人都承认记性差。Most people confess to have a bad memory.

警方设圈套使他招供。The police set traps to make him confess.

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丑之吻在攻击中适用撕裂规则。Harlequins Kiss confess rending on attacks.

如果你曾经跟别人有暧昧关系,你是否应该坦白?Should you confess if you’ve had an affair?

我承认上了你一当,布里森登。I confess you made a fool of me, Brissenden.