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现在他们想变革电子邮件。And now they want to revolutionize email.

他们要在全世界发动革命。They wanted to revolutionize the whole world.

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在这一阶段,赵声运动新军发动起义的模式已基本成熟。There, his mode to revolutionize the New Army had mainly formed.

真正的熊彼特主义会在各自的行业进行革新或革命。Those who are truly Schumpeterian will reform or revolutionize their industries.

在神龙激光熨平了革命性的混凝土浇筑的整个过程。The Somero Laser Screed helped revolutionize the entire process of concrete placement.

从最初的嗡嗡声收到此启动将彻底改变传统产业。From the initial buzz received, this startup will revolutionize traditional industries.

俄勒冈州立大学的鲍勃Collier说,公平地说,数据阵列将彻底改变海洋学。OSU's Bob Collier says it's fair to say the data array will revolutionize oceanography.

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这本书是我最喜欢的关于商业的十本书中的一本,它提出了一种有关商业的革命性的思考方法,你不再是为生意而忙,而是忙生意了。It provides a way of thinking about your business that will revolutionize your thinking.

博士Yusuf说,只需服用一片药的治疗方法,将会为心脏病的预防带来一场革命。Doctor Yusuf said the single pill treatment could revolutionize heart disease prevention.

谷歌和硅谷的天才们正在努力革新发展了70年的电视产业。Google and the geeks from Silicon Valley aim to revolutionize the 70-year-old TV industry.

立体种植业将对我们以及未来世界人口的粮食供养引发一场革命。Vertical farming could revolutionize how we feed ourselves and the rising population to come.

其中之一是一个辉煌的美国外科医生名为威廉霍尔斯特德,将彻底改变他的领域。One of them was a brilliant American surgeon named William Halsted, who would revolutionize his field.

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挽救了潘宁顿性命的技术可以在新世纪导致一场医学革命。The technology that saved Pennington's life could very weft revolutionize medicine in the coming century.

有时人们又把他们抬高,说他们是能对物理学做出革命性贡献却无法学会系鞋带的怪才。They are set on a pedestal, the brilliant savant who will revolutionize physics but never learn to tie his shoes.

当X100公布的时候,我十分兴奋,因为富士将会为数码照相机行业带来革新。When the X100 is announced, I am very surprised that Fujifilm is going to revolutionize the DC sector within the industry.

该公司1960年代改名为惊奇漫画公司后,他已经成为艺术部主任,一场漫画革命即将到来。By the time the company became known as Marvel Comics, in the 1960s, he was art director and about to revolutionize comics.

但是,专家指出由于农民种植不同种类的混合作物,因此没有单一的作物能在非洲农业上发生革命性的变化。But experts say no single crop will revolutionize farming in Africa because farmers there grow a mixture of different crops.

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据BBC消息,设计者们希望这种“生长”工艺——一种三维激光打印技术,能够彻底改变制造业的运作方式。The designers hope the growth process, a type of 3-D laser printing, could revolutionize manufacturing, according to the BBC.

但是专家表示没有一种单一的农作物可以给非洲农业带来根本性的变化,因为那里的农民混合种植不同的农作物。But experts asid no single crop will revolutionize farming in Africa. Because farmers there grow a mixture of different crops.

非壳体穿透光电桅杆及其成象系统被认为可引起未来潜艇设计的革命。Electro-optic non-hull penetrating mast and associated imaging system are considered to revolutionize future submarine design.