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大块大块脱水的兽皮和脂肪。Hunks of desiccated skin and fat.

砖块被太阳晒干了。The bricks were desiccated by the sun.

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彩色土,贝,乾燥花,羽毛,客家花布。Color clay, shell, desiccated flowers and leaves.

英国选出了一个“干燥的计算器”只是个偶然事件。The British might occasionally elect a desiccated calculating machine.

2009年11月19日,伊拉克巴士拉,一个男人在干涸的沼泽地里劳动。A man works the desiccated marshland outside Basra, Iraq, on Nov. 19, 2009.

他的铁锹铲下去,干硬的土地上只留下浅浅的痕迹。His spade hits the earth marking only a stunted notch in the desiccated soil.

六八阳气衰竭于上,面焦,发鬓颁白。At sextuple eight, the Yang energy declines from the top, desiccated face, grey hair.

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由于老水手长年在外受日晒,饱经风霜,他的皮肤变干燥了。The old sailor's skin has desiccated from years of being out in the sun and the wind.

然而,一旦出现黄色,应该认为它已经干燥。However, if yellow coloration exists, one should assume that it has become desiccated.

有与粉状钠石灰一起使用燃烧的报道。Fires have been reported when sevoflurane is used in the presence of desiccated soda lime.

加入酱料、椰奶或淡炼乳、干椰丝和水并煮滚。Add paste, coconut milk or evaporated milk, desiccated coconut and water and bring to boil.

一个特写镜头向我们展示了秘鲁著名的古莫希文化时期的女干尸那干瘪的手。A close-up shows the desiccated hand of a remarkably preserved woman from Peru's ancient Moche culture.

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一定的茎秆硬度会致使虫卵损伤和脱水,削移幼虫的移动。A certain degree of stem solidness results in damaged and desiccated eggs and impaired larval movements.

泰式色拉,内有柚子,烤鸡肉,虾,炸洋葱以及椰子碎粒。Light Thai salad of pomelo segments, grilled chicken and prawns, deep fried onion and desiccated coconut.

现在,成千上万的人为了寻找水、食物和一线生机正在逃离家园和干涸的土地。Now thousands of people are fleeing their homes and desiccated lands in search of water, food and some chance of survival.

一位桑布鲁男子赶着牛群走出村落,穿过一片干燥的土地,朝着在干燥河床上挖掘的一口水井进发。Samburu man leads his cattle out of the village and across a swath of arid land toward a water well dug into a desiccated Kenyan riverbed.

一位桑布鲁男子赶着牛群走出村落,穿过一片干燥的土地,朝着在干燥河床上挖掘的一口水井进发。A Samburu man leads his cattle out of the village and across a swath of arid land toward a water well dug into a desiccated Kenyan riverbed.

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正是这两个孩子迫使护士联想起那个带着棕褐的斑点、灰黄的采纹和刀伤疤痕的干枯躯体。It was the two children who finally routed the nurse by reminding her of a desiccated carcass, blotched with brown, streaked with yellow, scarred by knives.

我猜是跟老人店铺门上挂的迎宾符有关,那是水虎鱼,鱼头干干的,眼窝空着,牙齿像冰钻。I thought that perhaps it was related to the trinity of piranhas whose desiccated heads with ice-pick teeth and empty eye sockets served as a welcome sign above his jangling shop door.

苏聯当局引入阿姆河与锡尔河的水于棉花灌溉,以此为迅速成长的人口提供就业机会,此后咸海便快速地乾涸。As the Soviet authorities diverted water from the feeders -Amu darya and Syr darya- for cotton irrigation and providing employment for a fast growing population, the sea rapidly desiccated.