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这是一条向里弯曲的曲线。This is an inward curve.

在转弯处千万不要超车!Never overtake on a curve.

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汽车拐了一个急弯。The car made a sharp curve.

我已经锁定他的曲球了。I've locked in on his curve.

剂量存活曲线呈现-“肩区”。The dose survival curve of E.

那么这个曲线是什么样的?What does the curve look like?

一圈,一曲,一转。A single turn, twist, or curve.

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得到了这条曲线。That's the curve that I got out.

他的前额呈半球形凸起。His forehead domed out in a curve.

他打出了一个曲线球,并因此赢得了一分。He bunt a curve and scored a point.

如何脊柱侧弯的脊柱曲线?。How Does Scoliosis Curve the Spine?

在这,这是一条曲线COh, here. So, I have this curve C'.

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该动画曲线所在关键帧的值。The value of the curve at keyframe.

当然,你得有一个学习的过程。Of course, you have a learning curve.

此有限曲线与绝热线族截交。The curve crosses the adiabatics group.

我漂下河去,划出一条长长的曲线。We went down the river in a long curve.

高速公路在这个弯曲处明显地形成从内侧至外侧向上倾斜的弯道。The highway banks sharply on this curve.

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此规律可由起球曲线反映。The rule was described by pilling curve.

此后,曲线迅速转平。Thereafter the curve rapidly levels off.

盖侧曲线采用工程上常用的B样条拟合。The shroud curve is fitted with B-spline.