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我学到了很多的工作,与本食谱木瓜。I learned a lot about pawpaw by working with this recipe.

这个木瓜三分之一用来做菜,其余的都是你的啦。One third of the pawpaw is for the dish, the remainder is for you.

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木瓜膏,由木瓜或者番木瓜提炼而成,在澳大利亚作为万灵药而被广泛使用。Pawpaw ointment, made from pawpaw or papaya, is commonly used as a cure-all in Australia.

老妇人四下看了看,吹起口哨,一只鸟从木瓜树上飞出来,停在她肩膀上。The old woman looked round and whistled. A jaybird flew down from a pawpaw tree and lit on her shoulder.

他说KARI已经用这种方法开发出了一系列作物,例如木瓜和甘薯,但是一些大田试验没有成功。He says KARI has used the approach to develop varieties of crops such as pawpaw and sweet potato but some field trials were unsuccessful.

煮沸后加入木瓜,直至材料熟透便可倒入牛奶,使汤变浓,最后放入调味料,即可盛出食用。After boiling , add in pawpaw until all ingredients done. Then pour milk to thicken the soup, and put in seasonings at last, take out and serve.

该款葡萄酒让你感受到甜蜜饯和樱桃香味,口感生动丰富,成熟的水果、脆苹果、木莓和干木瓜等糖果味溢满口腔。The wine gives sweet candied fruit and glace cherries on the nose. It displays a lively, rich palate with loads of ripe fruit, crisp apples, raspberries and dried pawpaw.

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来自泰国的火龙果,来自马来西亚的木瓜,来自菲律宾的香蕉。在中国北方城市,购买东南亚国家的时令水果已经是非常容易的事情。In the north of China, it is quite easy to purchase the season fruit from Southeast Asia, such as Pitaya fruit from Thailand, pawpaw from Malaysia and bananas from Philippine.

现德乐斯国内的产品以三片罐产品为主,产品有绿豆沙、椰汁西米露、玉米露、牛奶花生、木瓜椰汁与八宝粥等。Our products is mainly products of three-pieces tin. We product green bean juice, coconut juice and sago, sweet corn juice, milk peanut , pawpaw coconut juice and mixed congee, etc.

这座城市除了天赐的冬暖气候和清新的空气之外,当然还有天赐气候下的一些物美价廉的水果,例如木瓜,芭蕉和菠萝,其它方面一无是处。Except the climate in winter and fresh air that are god-given as well as some delicious fruits like pawpaw , plantain and pineapple that are cheap in season, I cannot see any advantages of the city.